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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
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└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Quasi-synoptic transport, budgets and water mass transformation in the Azores–Gibraltar Strait region during summer 2009
Estimating the Atlantic overturning at 26°N using satellite altimetry and cable measurements
Compensation between meridional flow components of the AMOC at 26° N
Residual circulation modelling at the national UK scale to identify possible sediment pathways to inform decadal coastal geomorphic evolution models
The DELOS project: Development of a long-term observatory in an oil field environment in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Exploring Kick’em Jenny submarine volcano and the Barbados cold seep province, Southern Lesser Antilles
In hot and cold water: differential life-history traits are key to success in contrasting thermal deep-sea environments
Evidence for protracted and lecithotrophic larval development in the yeti crab Kiwa tyleri from hydrothermal vents of the East Scotia Ridge, Southern Ocean
Nautilus samples
Coralline algae as a globally significant pool of marine dimethylated sulfur
Effects of reduced salinity on the photosynthetic characteristics and intracellular DMSP concentrations of the red coralline alga, Lithothamnion glaciale
Supercritical-flow structures on a Late Carboniferous delta front: sedimentologic and paleoclimatic significance: REPLY
Is the meiofauna a good indicator for climate change and anthropogenic impacts?
Feasibility of laser scanning to determine volumetric properties of grained fine soils
Practical aspects of the unification of height system realizations in Europe
The Met Office Global Coupled model 2.0 (GC2) configuration
The King Edward Point Geodetic Observatory, South Georgia, South Atlantic Ocean
Editorial (Topical Collection on Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics: A Scientific Workshop to Celebrate Professor Dr. Richard Greatbatch's 60th Birthday, Liverpool, UK, 10-11 April 2014)
Remote detection of sea surface roughness signatures related to subsurface bathymetry, structures and tidal stream turbine wakes
Deep-water observation of scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini in the western Indian Ocean off Tanzania
Dual beam along-track interferometic SAR to MAP total ocean surface current vectors with the airborne wavemill proof-of-concept instrument: Impact of wind-waves
Variability of the meridional overturning circulation at the Greenland–Portugal OVIDE section from 1993 to 2010
Shelf-basin exchange in the Laptev Sea in the warming climate: a model study
Impact of scaled tidal stream turbine over mobile sediment beds
Deriving shallow-water sediment properties using post-stack acoustic impedance inversion
Improving understanding of shelf-sea exchange
Permeability and pressure measurements in Lesser Antilles submarine slides: Evidence for pressure-driven slow-slip failure
No detectable effect of ocean acidification on plankton metabolism in the NW oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: Results from two mesocosm studies
Langmuir turbulence and surface heating in the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer
The Louvain-La-Neuve sea ice model LIM3.6: global and regional capabilities
Improving decadal coastal geomorphic predictions: An overview of the iCOASST project
Global Seasonal forecast system version 5 (GloSea5): a high-resolution seasonal forecast system
Processes driving intraseasonal displacements of the eastern edge of the warm pool: the contribution of westerly wind events
Coastal upwelling and downwelling forcing of circulation in a semi-enclosed bay: Ria de Vigo
Structure and variability of the boundary current in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean
Can high-resolution marine geophysical data be inverted for soil properties?
Phytoplankton dynamics in contrasting early stage North Atlantic spring blooms: composition, succession, and potential drivers
Extraordinary Ocean Cooling and New Dense Water Formation in the North Atlantic [in “State of the Climate in 2014”]
The potential response of the hydrate reservoir in the South Shetland Margin, Antarctic Peninsula, to ocean warming over the 21st century
Representing and modelling coastal systems over a regional scale for coastal management
Effects of the asymmetry between surface and interior flow on the dynamics of a thermohaline loop
Bed shear stress on the middle shoreface of the south of Holland coast
Estimates of tidal mixing in the Indonesian archipelago from multidisciplinary INDOMIX in-situ data
Linkage between lateral circulation and near-surface vertical mixing in a coastal plain estuary
First report of live deep-water cnidarian assemblages from the Malta Escarpment
How well do global ocean biogeochemistry models simulate dissolved iron distributions?
Impact of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the decadal variability of the Gulf Stream path and regional chlorophyll and nutrient concentrations
Improving decadal coastal geomorphic predictions
Quantification of near-bed dense layers and implications for seafloor structures: new insights into the most hazardous aspects of turbidity currents
Defining a simplified yet “realistic” equation of state for seawater
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