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Publications by research area
NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Coastal sea level rise with warming above 2°C
Chemical sensors for in situ data collection in the cryosphere
The impact of resolving the Rossby radius at mid-latitudes in the ocean: results from a high-resolution version of the Met Office GC2 coupled model
Integrated assessment of social and environmental sustainability dynamics in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, Bangladesh
Ocean mixing beneath Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, West Antarctica
The tale of a surprisingly cold blob in the North Atlantic
Decadal variability of European sea level extremes in relation to the solar activity
The control of carbonate mineral Mg isotope composition by aqueous speciation: Theoretical and experimental modeling
Drainage networks, lakes and water fluxes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet
Mechanistic insights into a hydrate contribution to the Paleocene-Eocene carbon cycle perturbation from coupled thermohydraulic simulations
Formation of agglutinated cysts by the foraminiferan Sphaeroidina bulloides on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic)
Evaluation of terrain collision risks for flight style autonomous underwater vehicles
Experiences with Radar Gauges at NOC (U.K.)
Extending standard testing period in honeybees to predict lifespan impacts of pesticides and heavy metals using dynamic energy budget modelling
Glider observations of enhanced deep water upwelling at a shelf break canyon: a mechanism for cross-slope carbon and nutrient exchange
Getting to the bottom of the ocean
Impacts and effects of ocean warming on carbon management including methane hydrates
Blue carbon stock of the Bangladesh Sundarban mangroves: what could be the scenario after a century?
Contrasting snow and ice albedos derived from MODIS, Landsat ETM+ and airborne data from Langjökull, Iceland
Small Scale Bedform Types off the South-Holland Coast
Eastern Mediterranean sea levels through the last interglacial from a coastal-marine sequence in northern Israel
Flow distortion around underwater gliders and impacts on sensor measurements: a pilot study using large-eddy simulations
Co-operative use of marine autonomous systems to enhance navigational accuracy of autonomous underwater vehicles
Influence of bloom dynamics on Particle Export Efficiency in the North Atlantic: a comparative study of radioanalytical techniques and sediment traps
Resistivity image beneath an area of active methane seeps in the west Svalbard continental slope
Wind-driven export of Weddell Sea slope water
Uncertainty in climate projections for the 21st century northwest European shelf seas
Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry on TechDemoSat-1: early mission operations and exploitation
A comparative analysis of canyon and non-canyon populations of the deep-sea scavenging amphipod Paralicella caperesca
A multi-model assessment of the impact of currents, waves and wind in modelling surface drifters and oil spill
Buzz off! An evaluation of ultrasonic acoustic vibration for the disruption of marine micro-organisms on sensor-housing materials
Evidence for polyploidy in the globally important diazotroph Trichodesmium
A comparison of remote-sensing SST and in situ seawater temperature in near-shore habitats in the western Mediterranean Sea
Morphodynamics of supercritical turbidity currents in the channel-lobe transition zone
Mesoscale SST–wind stress coupling in the Peru–Chile current system: Which mechanisms drive its seasonal variability?
In situ measurements of surface turbulent exchange over Arctic sea ice: results from the ACSE Campaign
Insights into the abundance and diversity of abyssal megafauna in a polymetallic-nodule region in the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Geographical, seasonal, and depth variation in sinking particle speeds in the North Atlantic
Spatial and temporal analysis of extreme sea level and storm surge events around the coastline of the UK
Composite model to reproduce the mechanical behaviour of methane hydrate bearing sediments
Flow dynamics and mixing processes in hydraulic jump arrays: Implications for channel-lobe transition zones
A probabilistic approach to 21st century regional sea-level projections using RCP and High-end scenarios
GEROS-ISS: GNSS REflectometry, Radio Occultation, and Scatterometry Onboard the International Space Station
Does the wind systematically energize or damp ocean eddies?
Reducing nutrient impacts from shrimp effluents in a subtropical coastal lagoon
Forecast of drifter trajectories using a Rapid Environmental Assessment based on CTD observations
Deep and abyssal ocean warming from 35 years of repeat hydrography
Coastal altimetry products in the Strait of Gibraltar
Physical, chemical and biological observations and modeling of oil spills in the Mediterranean Sea [Editorial]
Ecology and biogeography of megafauna and macrofauna at the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vents on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
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