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NOC staff publications in selected science research area
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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean BioGeosciences
├ Marine Geoscience
└ Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Access to Marine Genetic Resources (MGR): raising awareness of best-practice through a new agreement for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)
Atlantic overturning circulation questions abound
Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory
The impact of a new high-resolution ocean model on the Met Office North-West European Shelf forecasting system
Southern Ocean [in "State of the Climate in 2018"]
Sediment microstructure and the establishment of gas migration pathways during bubble growth
Host hybridization as a potential mechanism of lateral symbiont transfer in deep‐sea vesicomyid clams
RRS Discovery Cruise 103, 21 Jun - 10 Jul 2019. Water column and seafloor time-series studies at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory
RRS James Cook Cruise JC180 25 April - 30 May 2019. Strategies for the Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage, STEMM-CCS
Patterns of at-sea behaviour at a hybrid zone between two threatened seabirds
Autonomous monitoring of nearshore geomorphology and hydrodynamics to assist decision making in coastal management, using shore-based radar systems: A case study on the Fylde peninsula, UK
Distribution of and hydrographic controls on ferromanganese crusts: Tropic Seamount, Atlantic
Submarine platform development by erosion of a Surtseyan cone at Capelinhos, Faial Island, Azores
Earthquake crisis unveils the growth of an incipient continental fault system
A see-saw in Pacific Subantarctic Mode Water formation driven by atmospheric modes
Sensitivity of AMM15-surge to varying tidal boundary conditions and bottom friction coefficients
A new varve sequence from Windermere, UK, records rapid ice retreat prior to the Lateglacial Interstadial (GI-1)
Detection of introduced and resident marine species using environmental DNA metabarcoding of sediment and water
A generalised volumetric method to estimate the biomass of photographically surveyed benthic megafauna
Wind‐forced symmetric instability at a transient mid‐ocean front
Investigating the predictability of North Atlantic sea surface height
An inverse perspective on seismic inversion (or the integral role of informed back seat-drivers…)
RRS James Cook Cruise JC174 20 October - 26 November 2018. Rapid Cruise report for cruise JC174
‘Ready Mixed’, improved nucleic acid amplification assays for the detection of Escherichia coli DNA and RNA
The NOCS On-Board control system
Shelf sea biogeochemistry: Nutrient and carbon cycling in a temperate shelf sea water column
Suspended-core microstructured polymer optical fibers and potential applications in sensing
UKESM1: description and evaluation of the U.K. Earth System Model
Detecting the effects of deep-seabed nodule mining: simulations using Megafaunal Data From the Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Application of stable carbon isotopes in a subtropical North Atlantic MesocosmStudy: A new approach to assess CO2 effects on the marine carbon cycle
Pressure–strain terms in Langmuir turbulence
Two new species of Bargmannia (Pyrostephidae, Physonectae, Siphonophorae)
M.Y. Angra Pequena Cruise, 30 Jun - 9 Jul 2019. Pemba Channel (Tanzania)
Preliminary observations of the Abyssal Megafauna of Kiribati
Evolution of oceanic near surface stratification in response to an autumn storm
Eukaryotic influence on the oceanic biological carbon pump in the Scotia Sea as revealed by 18S rRNA gene sequencing of suspended and sinking particles
Velocimetry of cold atoms by matter-wave interferometry
Evolving and sustaining ocean best practices and standards for the next decade
Hydrate occurrence in Europe: A review of available evidence
Biological effects 26 years after simulated deep-sea mining
Direct monitoring reveals initiation of turbidity currents from extremely dilute river plumes
A history of the sub-order Cystonectae (Hydrozoa: Siphonophorae)
What drives the latitudinal gradient in open-ocean surface dissolved inorganic carbon concentration?
A subannual subsurface pathway from the Gulf Stream to the Subpolar Gyre and its role in warming and salinification in the 1990s
Diffuse hydrothermal venting: A hidden source of iron to the oceans
Seafloor mapping – the challenge of a truly global ocean bathymetry
A test in a high altitude lake of a multi-parametric rapid methodology for assessing life in liquid environments on planetary bodies: A potential new freshwater polychaete Tubeworm community
On the influence of vulnerable marine ecosystem habitats on Peracarid Crustacean Assemblages in the Northwest Atlantic fisheries organisation regulatory area
Marine mineral exploration with controlled source electromagnetics at the TAG Hydrothermal Field, 26°N Mid‐Atlantic Ridge
Dissolution dominates silica‐cycling in a shelf sea autumn bloom
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