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Wave-current interactions: a review of some problems
Geophysical interpretation of the structure and evolution of the Jan Mayen Ridge
Benthic boundary layer - IOS Observational and Modelling Programme: final report, January 1985
Great Meteor East (distal Madeira Abyssal Plain): geological studies of its suitability for disposal of heat-emitting radioactive wastes
A study of ERS-1 radar altimeter data processing requirements
A compilation of geophysical data on the East Greenland continental margin and its use in gravity modelling across the continent-ocean transition
Magnetic anomalies in the northeast Atlantic
SeaSoar CTD sections in the northeast Atlantic Ocean collected during RRS "Discovery" Cruise 132
IOS geophysical data held on magnetic tape - summary. Bathymetric, magnetic and gravity data collected during marine geology and geophysics cruises 1973 - 1984
CTD data from the Madeira Abyssal Plain: "Charles Darwin" Cruise 1/85
A long-range side-scan sonar survey of the Meriadzek Terrace, Bay of Biscay
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 1/85 : 13 February - 4 March 1985. Physical oceanographic studies in the NE Atlantic Ocean
MV Farnella Cruise 1/84 - 4/84 : 26 April - 15 August 1984. GLORIA studies of the Exclusive Economic Zone off the western United States between 30,30' and 48,30'N
NUTSATSEA: an on line data reduction programe linking a Chemlab continuous flow analyser to a Commodore PET microcomputer
Tidal and residual currents around a Norfolk Sandbank
The anomalous tides near Broad Sound
Slope Currents and “JEBAR”
A note on processes influencing the mixed layer depth in the north western Aegean Sea
Initial grain motion under oscillatory flow: a comparison of some threshold criteria
Benthic boundary layer - IOS Observational Programme: Discovery Gap measurements, March 1984
The use of in situ photography in studies of the deep-sea benthos at I.O.S.
Structure and evolution of the South West Approaches and Grand Banks continental margins. Report of work undertaken by IOS during the period April 1975 to April 1984
A manual of methods for the continuous flow determination of ammonia, nitrate-nitrite, phosphate and silicate in seawater
RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 13/84 : Dunstaffnage 24 July - Falmouth 7 August 1984. Current measurements, CTD stations and side-scan surveys in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and west of Scotland
RRS Discovery Cruise 145, 25 February - 24 March 1984. The structure of the upper ocean at the end of winter in the region 40-47N, 13-16W
Simple models for Atlantic diurnal tides
Sub-tidal motion on the Scottish continental shelf, August–September 1971
Seasonal-changes of the zonal pressure-gradient in the equatorial Atlantic during the FGGE year
CTD data from the N.E. Atlantic, 31N-46N, July 1982. "Discovery" Cruise 130. Ocean disposal of high level radioactive waste
Preliminary studies of the total cation exchange capacity of sediments from two North Atlantic study sites
King's Trough Flank: geological and geophysical investigations of its suitability for high-level radioactive waste disposal
Structural studies of the northwest Iberian continental margin using long-range side-scan sonar
Primitive Foraminifera and Xenophyophorea in IOS epibenthic sledge samples from the northeast Atlantic
Status report on geochemical field results from Atlantic study sites
Benthic boundary layer - IOS Observational Programme. Interim report January 1983
Preliminary studies of the effects of oxidative and reductive leaches on the ion exchange behaviour of marine sediments
Long Seasoar CTD sections in the north east Atlantic Ocean collected during RRS "Discovery" Cruise 116
RRS Challenger Cruise 12/83, 27 August - 12 September 1983. Mooring deployments and associated studies in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel
RRS Challenger Cruise 5/83, 11-31 March 1983. Current meter recoveries in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel
RRS Discovery Cruise 140. Leg 1, 5-22 August 1983. Leg 2, 24 August - 13 September 1983. Biological and physiological studies in the eastern North Atlantic (15N - 45N).
RRS Discovery Cruise 132, 27 January - 20 February 1983. Physical oceanography of the upper ocean in winter in the eastern Atlantic Ocean in the region 38-48N, 10-21W
RRS Discovery Cruise 138, 17 June - 9 July 1983. Current studies and CTD stations in the Discovery Gap and in the Madeira Basin
On one mechanism forming linear sand banks
Tidal currents in the northwest African upwelling region
On the formation of sand banks of finite extent
Animal burrows in deep-sea sediments
A new method for the analysis of extremes applicable to one years' data
RRS Discovery Cruise 130, 25 June - 5 August 1982. Sound ranging trials and a study of Discovery Gap
RRS Discovery Cruise 131, 12 August (224) - 23 September (266) 1982. Geology and geophysics of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone, North Atlantic Ocean
RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 82/2, March 16 - March 29 1982. Current measurements and hydrography in the Rockall Trough and Faeroe-Shetland Channel
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