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The latest publications by NOC staff in this science research area
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Marine Geoscience
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
Marine Systems Modelling
Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Ocean BioGeosciences
Research area
Natatolana neglecta (Isopoda, Cirolanidae): an increasing threat for artisanal fishing in the Turkish Aegean Sea
Detecting the effects of deep-seabed nodule mining: simulations using Megafaunal Data From the Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Biological effects 26 years after simulated deep-sea mining
Occurrence and distribution of the coral Dendrophyllia ramea in Cyprus insular shelf: Environmental setting and anthropogenic impacts
Ecology of a polymetallic nodule occurrence gradient: Implications for deep-sea mining
Microbial community diversity within sediments from two geographically separated hadal trenches
Global observing needs in the deep ocean
Change detection in a Marine Protected Area (MPA) over three decades on Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
Validation of the in vivo Iodo-Nitro-Tetrazolium (INT) salt reduction method as a proxy for plankton respiration
On the impact of Citizen Science-derived data quality on deep learning based classification in marine images
Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled modeling of methane hydrate-bearing sediments: formulation and application
Plankton community respiration and bacterial metabolism in a North Atlantic Shelf Sea during spring bloom development (April 2015)
Improving confidence in ferromanganese crust age models: a composite geochemical approach
A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications – version two
Seafloor mapping – the challenge of a truly global ocean bathymetry
What drives the latitudinal gradient in open-ocean surface dissolved inorganic carbon concentration?
Enhancing the observing capacity for the surface ocean by the use of Volunteer Observing Ship
Evolving and sustaining ocean best practices and standards for the next decade
Using 3D photogrammetry from ROV video to quantify cold-water coral reef structural complexity and investigate its influence on biodiversity and community assemblage
Dissolution dominates silica‐cycling in a shelf sea autumn bloom
Forensic mapping of seismic velocity heterogeneity in a CO2 layer at the Sleipner CO2 storage operation, North Sea, using time-lapse seismics
Geological fate of seafloor massive sulphides at the TAG hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Laboratory observations of frequency-dependent ultrasonic P-wave velocity and attenuation during methane hydrate formation in Berea sandstone
A history of the sub-order Cystonectae (Hydrozoa: Siphonophorae)
Habitat partitioning in Antarctic krill: Spawning hotspots and nursery areas
A review of the siphonophore species mentioned in Haeckel’s (1888b) Challenger Monograph
Global observational needs and resources for marine biodiversity
Trait‐based analysis of subpolar North Atlantic phytoplankton and plastidic ciliate communities using automated flow cytometer
On the influence of vulnerable marine ecosystem habitats on Peracarid Crustacean Assemblages in the Northwest Atlantic fisheries organisation regulatory area
Ocean time series observations of changing marine ecosystems: An era of integration, synthesis, and societal applications
The Contribution of fine sieve fractions (63–150 μm) to foraminiferal abundance and diversity in an area of the Eastern Pacific Ocean licensed for polymetallic nodule Exploration
RRS Discovery Cruise DY086, 12 November – 19 December 2017. Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Carbon Storage (COMICS)
The Diversity and ecological role of non-scleractinian corals (Antipatharia and Alcyonacea) on scleractinian cold-water coral mounds
The eastern extent of seasonal iron limitation in the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean
Author Correction: Species replacement dominates megabenthos beta diversity in a remote seamount setting
Ecological risk assessment for deep-sea mining
Central place foragers select ocean surface convergent features despite differing foraging strategies
Biodiversity databases in the future: Reply to Cene Fišer
The Sensitivity of Subsurface Microbes to Ocean Warming Accentuates Future Declines in Particulate Carbon Export
Ocean colour signature of climate change
RRS James Cook cruise JC166-167, 19 June – 6 July 2018. CLASS – Climate-linked Atlantic System Science Haig Fras Marine Conservation Zone AUV habitat monitoring, Equipment trials and staff training
Self-sharpening induces jet-like structure in seafloor gravity currents
Autonomous marine environmental monitoring: Application in decommissioned oil fields
The Intraseasonal dynamics of the mixed layer pump in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean: A biogeochemical‐argo float approach
Geomorphic evolution of the Malta Escarpment and implications for the Messinian evaporative drawdown in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
Nutrient, pigment, suspended matter and turbidity measurements in the Belgian part of the North Sea
The chemical composition of a new “mica sandwich” foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea: Capsammina crassa sp. nov.
Soft-walled monothalamids (Rhizaria: foraminifera) of the Crimean shelf (Black Sea): taxonomic composition and inter-regional patterns of species diversity and distribution
Volcanic-Tectonic structure of the Mount Dent Oceanic Core Complex in the Ultraslow Mid-Cayman spreading center determined from detailed seafloor investigation
Reactive transport modelling insights into CO2 migration through sub-vertical fluid flow structures
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