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Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
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Ocean Technology and Engineering
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Comparing transient, accelerated, and equilibrium simulations of the last 30 000 years with the GENIE-1 model
RRS Discovery Cruise 298, 23 Aug-25 Sep 2005. Cape Farewell and Eirik Ridge (CFER-1)
Hydrothermal exploration of the Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center and the Northeast Lau Spreading Center
Rockall Trough and Iceland Basin (Area 5 Report)
Guidelines for evaluation of air-sea heat, freshwater and momentum flux datasets
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 179, 14 Apr - 17 May 2006. Hotspot ecosystem research in the Setúbal, Lisbon, Cascais and Nazaré canyons on the Portuguese continental margin
Book review. D.M. Hodgson and S.S. Flint, editors. Review of Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and Products, Geological Society Special Publication 244 (ISBN 1-86239-177-7); list price £65.00/$117.00; price for GSL members £32:50/$59.00; pr
Evidences of early to late fluid migration from an Upper Miocene turbiditic channel revealed by 3D seismic coupled to geochemical sampling within seafloor pockmarks, Lower Congo Basin
Phytoplankton mineralization in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean
RRS Discovery Cruise Report: Cruise D301B and D302. Indian Ocean, 20 March - 11 April 2006.
GOCE user toolbox specification: scientific trade off study and algorithm specification
Eivissa slides, western Mediterranean Sea: morphology and processes
Carbonate mound development at the SW Rockall Trough margin based on high resolution TOBI and seismic recording
Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Processes and European Climate (COAPEC): Improved Understanding of the Coupled Climate System
Reply to comment on: Seafloor facies related to upward methane flux within a Giant Pockmark of the Lower Congo Basin
Turbidity current sediment waves in subsurface sequences
RRS Discovery Cruise 309-310, 18 Aug-05 Sep 2006. Cape Farewell and Eirik Ridge (CFER-2)
Sedimentary structures offshore Ortona, Adriatic Sea: deformation or sediment waves?
Vailulu'u seamount, Samoa: life and death on an active submarine volcano 2006
The ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2005
Recent CLIVAR ocean activities
Multi-frequency acoustics of deep-water coral habitats and textural characterisation
Impacts of climate change on marine air temperature
Micro system technology for marine measurement
Leach’s Storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa landing on a research vessel at night
Were extreme waves in the Rockall Trough the largest ever recorded?
Temporal variation in the antioxidant defence system and lipid peroxidation in the gills and mantle of hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus
RRS Charles Darwin Cruise CD177, 12-29 Nov 2005. RAPID Mooring Cruise Report
The taxonomic status of the genus Moseria (Siphonophora, Physonectae)
RRS "Charles Darwin" Cruise 169, 17 Feb-19 Mar 2005. Hydrothermal exploration of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Open access: publishing and repositories - making research more visible
Effects of physical disturbance on the cold-water megafaunal communities of the Faroe-Shetland Channel
A geochemical application of the ITRAX scanner to a sediment core containing eastern Mediterranean sapropel units
On the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves in the southern Bay of Biscay
Variations in phytoplankton speciation and growth due to hydrodynamic and chemical drivers between coastal and open ocean waters: use of data from a "FerryBox" ship of opportunity
Variation in the transfer of energy in marine plankton along a productivity gradient in the Atlantic Ocean
Colour logging as a tool in high-resolution palaeoceanography
Low salinity intrusions in the western English Channel
Linking French Atlantic rivers to low salinity intrusions in the western English Channel: highly resolved monitoring from the EU FerryBox project
The Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea as connected systems
Bioluminescence in the deep sea: free-fall lander observations in the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Verde
On the fast response of the Southern Ocean to changes in the zonal wind
Climate sensitivity to ocean dimethylsulphide emissions
Introduction to the Special Issue on "Satellite Altimetry: New Sensors and New Applications"
Promotion of meridional overturning by Mediterranean-derived salt during the last deglaciation
Timing of nutrient depletion, diatom dominance and a lower-boundary estimate of export production for Irminger Basin, North Atlantic
The Atlantic Conveyor
A regional analysis of new production on the northwest European shelf using oxygen fluxes and a ship of opportunity
Latitudinal changes in the standing stocks of nano- and picophytoplankton in the Atlantic Ocean
New techniques in sediment core analysis: an introduction
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