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Prince Madog Cruise 33/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 57, 21st-23rd October 2008
Prince Madog Cruise 07/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 51 and Dee recovery cruise, 11-15 March 2008
Prince Madog Cruise 19/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 54, 25-26 June 2008
Prince Madog Cruise 09/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 52, 16-17 April 2008
Prince Madog Cruise 23/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 55, 30 July-1CAugust 2008
Prince Madog Cruise 14/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 53, 13th-16th May 2008
Prince Madog Cruise 01/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 50, 10-11th January 2008
RV Prince Madog PD04/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise, 12-15 February 2008
Siliceous scales of filose-amoebae (Pompholyxophryidae, Rotosphaerida) from deep Southern Ocean sediments, including first records for the Southern Hemisphere
Internal tide modelling and the influence of wind effects.
A three dimensional finite element model of wind effects upon higher harmonics of the internal tide.
Measurements of the backscattering characteristics of suspensions having a broad particle size distribution
Prince Madog Cruise 02/07, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 42, 14-16 February 2007
Application of liposome and stable isotope tracer techniques to study polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine zooplankton
Prince Madog cruise 23/07: POL Coastal Observatory cruise 48, 3-4 October 2007
The Leeuwin Current and its eddies: An introductory overview
Simulated Lagrangian pathways between the Leeuwin Current System and the upper-ocean circulation of the southeast Indian Ocean
SMILE - sustainable mariculture in northern Irish lough ecosystems: assessment of carrying capacity for environmentally sustainable shellfish culture in Carlingford Lough, Strangford Lough, Belfast Lough, Larne Lough and Lough Foyle
Seasonal development of a deep pelagic bioluminescent layer in the temperate NE Atlantic Ocean
Distribution of bioluminescence and plankton in a deep Norwegian fjord measured using an ISIT camera and the Digital Underwater Video Profiler
Deep-ocean Environmental Long-term Observatory System (DELOS):- Long-term (25 year) monitoring of the deep-ocean animal community in the vicinity of offshore hydrocarbon operations
A variable buoyancy system for deep ocean vehicles
Benthic bioluminescence in the bathyal North East Atlantic: luminescent responses of Vargula norvegica (Ostracoda: Myodocopida) to predation by the deep-water eel (Synaphobranchus kaupii)
The response of carotenoids and chlorophylls during virus infection of Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae)
The relative significance of viral lysis and Microzooplankton grazing as pathways of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) cleavage: an Emiliania huxleyi culture study
Substrate kinetics of DMSP-lyases in axenic cultures and mesocosm populations of Emiliania huxleyi
Particulate dimethylsulphoxide and dimethylsulphoniopropionate in phytoplankton cultures and Scottish coastal waters
CO2-induced acidification affects hatching success in Calanus finmarchicus
Physiological Proteomics of the Uncultured Endosymbiont of Riftia pachyptila
An evaluation of the classical and extended Rossby wave theories in explaining spectral estimates of the first few baroclinic modes in the South Pacific Ocean
The Magellan mound province in the Porcupine Basin
Modelling the inter-annual variability of carbon fluxes and budgets on the northwest European continental shelf
Biological and chemical sulfide oxidation in a Beggiatoa inhabited marine sediment
Modeling of nutrient dynamics in a coastal lagoon through ecosystem model
Subtidal circulation in San Quintin Bay, Mexico, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon
Upwelling intensification enhances nutrient supply to a coastal lagoon in Baja California during spring 2005
First insights into the biodiversity and biogeography of the Southern Ocean deep sea
The importance of tidal pumping in a Mediterranean lagoon
Measuring changes in land and sea levels: a regional study of the Thames Estuary and River Thames
Erratum: Timing of nutrient depletion, diatom dominance and a lower-boundary estimate of export production for Irminger Basin, North Atlantic
The phylogeny of endolithic microbes associated with marine basalts
Optimization of integrated Earth System Model components using Grid-enabled data management and computation
Rhenium and osmium isotope and elemental behaviour accompanying laterite formation in the Deccan region of India
High-temperature lithium isotope fractionation: Insights from lithium isotope diffusion in magmatic systems
On the fast response of the Southern Ocean to changes in the zonal wind
Interannual variability in timing of bloom initiation in the California Current System
Seasonal sea level variability in the Gulf of Guinea from altimetry and tide gauge
The Deep Sea on your doorstep
Sea Level Monitoring in Africa
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