Ciliberti, Stefania A.; Fanjul, Enrique Alvarez; Pearlman, Jay; Wilmer-Becker, Kirsten; Bahurel, Pierre; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Arnaud, Alain; Bell, Mike; Berthou, Segolene; Bertino, Laurent; Capet, Arthur; Chassignet, Eric; Ciavatta, Stefano; Cirano, Mauro; Clementi, Emanuela; Cossarini, Gianpiero; Coro, Gianpaolo; Corney, Stuart; Davidson, Fraser; Drevillon, Marie; Drillet, Yann; Dussurget, Renaud; El Serafy, Ghada; Fennel, Katja; Sotillo, Marcos Garcia; Heimbach, Patrick; Hernandez, Fabrice; Hogan, Patrick; Hoteit, Ibrahim; Joseph, Sudheer; Josey, Simon ORCID:; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves; Libralato, Simone; Mancini, Marco; Matte, Pascal; Melet, Angelique; Miyazawa, Yasumasa; Moore, Andrew M.; Novellino, Antonio; Porter, Andrew; Regan, Heather; Romero, Laia; Schiller, Andreas; Siddorn, John
ORCID:; Staneva, Joanna; Thomas-Courcoux, Cecile; Tonani, Marina; Garcia-Valdecasa, Jose Maria; Veitch, Jennifer; von Schuckmann, Karina; Wan, Liying; Wilkin, John; Zufic, Romane.
Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts.
State of the Planet, 1-osr7.
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Publication type
State of the Planet