Troccoli, Alberto; Goodess, Clare; Jones, Phil; Penny, Lesley; Dorling, Steve; Harpham, Colin; Dubus, Laurent; Parey, Sylvie; Claudel, Sandra; Khong, Duc-Huy; Bett, Philip E.; Thornton, Hazel; Ranchin, Thierry; Wald, Lucien; Saint-Drenan, Yves-Marie; De Felice, Matteo; Brayshaw, David; Suckling, Emma; Percy, Barbara; Blower, Jon. 2018 Creating a proof-of-concept climate service to assess future renewable energy mixes in Europe: An overview of the C3S ECEM project. Advances in Science and Research, 15. 191-205.
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Advances in Science and Research