Research is needed to inform environmental management of hydrothermally inactive and extinct polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits

Van Dover, C.L.; Colaço, A.; Collins, P.C.; Croot, P.; Metaxas, A.; Murton, B.J. ORCID:; Swaddling, A.; Boschen-Rose, R.E.; Carlsson, J.; Cuyvers, L.; Fukushima, T.; Gartman, A.; Kennedy, R.; Kriete, C.; Mestre, N.C.; Molodtsova, T.; Myhrvold, A.; Pelleter, E.; Popoola, S.O.; Qian, P.-Y.; Sarrazin, J.; Sharma, R.; Suh, Y.J.; Sylvan, J.B.; Tao, C.; Tomczak, M.; Vermilye, J. 2020 Research is needed to inform environmental management of hydrothermally inactive and extinct polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits. Marine Policy, 121, 104183.

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Marine Policy
NOC authors