Evolution of the Late Miocene Mediterranean–Atlantic gateways and their impact on regional and global environmental change

Flecker, Rachel; Krijgsman, Wout; Capella, Walter; de Castro Martíns, Cesar; Dmitrieva, Evelina; Mayser, Jan Peter; Marzocchi, Alice; Modestou, Sevasti; Ochoa, Diana; Simon, Dirk; Tulbure, Maria; van den Berg, Bas; van der Schee, Marlies; de Lange, Gert; Ellam, Robert; Govers, Rob; Gutjahr, Marcus; Hilgen, Frits; Kouwenhoven, Tanja; Lofi, Johanna; Meijer, Paul; Sierro, Francisco J.; Bachiri, Naima; Barhoun, Nadia; Alami, Abdelwahid Chakor; Chacon, Beatriz; Flores, Jose A.; Gregory, John; Howard, James; Lunt, Dan; Ochoa, Maria; Pancost, Rich; Vincent, Stephen; Yousfi, Mohamed Zakaria. 2015 Evolution of the Late Miocene Mediterranean–Atlantic gateways and their impact on regional and global environmental change. Earth-Science Reviews, 150. 365-392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.08.007

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Earth-Science Reviews
NOC authors