Rapid onset of mafic magmatism facilitated by volcanic edifice collapse

Cassidy, M.; Watt, S.F.L.; Talling, P.J.; Palmer, M.R.; Edmonds, M.; Jutzeler, M.; Wall-Palmer, D.; Manga, M.; Coussens, M.; Gernon, T.; Taylor, R.N.; Michalik, A.; Inglis, E.; Breitkreuz, C.; Le Friant, A.; Ishizuka, O.; Boudon, G.; McCanta, M. C.; Adachi, T.; Hornbach, M. J.; Colas, S. L.; Endo, D.; Fujinawa, A.; Kataoka, K. S.; Maeno, F.; Tamura, Y.; Wang, F. 2015 Rapid onset of mafic magmatism facilitated by volcanic edifice collapse. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (12). 4778-4785. https://doi.org/10.1002/2015GL064519

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Geophysical Research Letters