The MV Shengking has a transPacific route between Canada and Australia, which takes about 2 months to complete.

Map of trans-Atlantic Raleigh Fisher route : Started on 5-Sep-2019
Matthew Humphreys, Mark Moore, Eric Achterberg, zia Chowdhury, Alex Griffiths, Sue Hartman, Jo Hopkins, Tom Hull, Angelina Smilenova, Juliane Wihsgott, Malcolm Woodward 2018 Mechanisms for a nutrient-conserving carbon pump in a seasonally stratified, temperate continental shelf sea. Progress in Oceanography. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.005.
León, P., P. Walsham, E.Bresnan, S. E. Hartman, S. Hughes, K.Mackenzie, L. Webster. Seasonal variability of the carbonate system and coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2017
H.Hátún, J. Ólafsson, K. Azetsu-Scott, R. Somavilla, F. Rey, C. Johnson M. Mathis, U. Mikolajewicz,Coupe, Tremblay, Susan Hartman, 2017, The subpolar gyre regulates silicate concentrations in the North Atlantic, Nature Data Reports, 2017.
Painter,S., S. E. Hartman, C. Kivimäe, L. A. Salt, N. M. Clargo, C. J. Daniels, Y. Bozec, L. Munns, S. Allen, V. S. Hemsley, G. Moschonas, K. Davidson. 2017.The elemental stoichiometry (C, Si, N, P) of the Hebrides Shelf and its role in carbon export. PiO.
Clare Ostle, Phil Williamson, Yuri Artioli, Dorothee C. E. Bakker, Silvana Birchenough, Clare E. Davis, Stephen Dye, Martin Edwards, HelenS. Findlay, Naomi Greenwood, Susan Hartman, Matthew P. Humphreys,Tim Jickells, Martin Johnson, Peter Landschützer, Ruth Parker, DavidPearce, John Pinnegar,Carol Robinson, Ute Schuster, Briony Silburn,Rob Thomas, Sarah Wakelin, Pamela Walsham, and Andrew J. Watson. 2016. Carbon dioxide and ocean acidification observations in UK waters Synthesis report with a focus from 2010 – 2015
Best, M.M., Favali, P., Beranzoli, L., Blandin, J., Çagatay, N.M., Cannat, M., Dañobeitia, J.J., Delory, E., de Miranda, J., Del Rio, F. and de Stigter, H., 2016. The EMSO-ERIC Pan-European Consortium (S.Hartman 15th Author): Data Benefits and Lessons Learned as the Legal Entity Forms. Marine Technology Society Journal, 50(3), pp.8-15.
Painter, S.C., Hartman, S.E., Kivimäe, C., Salt, L.A., Clargo, N.M., Bozec, Y., Daniels, C.J., Jones, S.C., Hemsely, V.S., Munns, L.R. and Allen, S.R., 2016. Carbon exchange between a shelf sea and the ocean: The Hebrides Shelf, west of Scotland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
Humphreys, M.P., Griffiths, A.M., Achterberg, E.P., Holliday, N.P., Rérolle, V.M.C., Barraqueta, J.L., Couldrey, M.P., Oliver, K.I.C., Hartman, S.E., Esposito, M. and Boyce, A.J., 2015. Multi-decadal accumulation of anthropogenic and remineralized dissolved inorganic carbon at the Extended Ellett Line in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
Frigstad, H., Henson, S.A., Hartman, S.E., Cole, H., Omar, A., Jeansson, E. & Lampitt, R.S., 2015. Links between surface productivity and deep ocean particle flux at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) sustained observatory. Biogeosciences Discuss.,12, 5169-5199.
Paris Pagonis, Monty Priede, Nadine Lanteri, Henry Ruhl, Sue Hartman, Vanessa Rossana Cardin, Sérgio M. Jesus, Jacopo Aguzzi, Jerome Blandin, Bertrand Moreau, Darren Rayner, Jean Romain Lagadec, Jean Yves Coail, , Julien Legrand, George Petihakis. Preliminary Technical specification of EGIM., March 2016
Zong-Pei Jiang, Toby Tyrrell, David J. Hydes, Minhan Dai, Sue Hartman 2014. Variability of alkalinity and alkalinity-salinity relationship in the tropical and subtropical surface ocean, GBC, doi 10.1002/2013GB004678
S. E. Hartman, Z.-P. Jiang, D. Turk, R. S. Lampitt, H. Frigstad, and C. Ostle, 2014. Biogeochemical variations at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory in the northeast Atlantic Ocean, from weekly to inter-annual time scales. Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 1–25
Ostle, C., Johnson, M., Landschützer, P., Schuster, U., Hartman, S., Hull, T., & Robinson, C. 2014. Net Community Production in the North Atlantic Ocean derived from Volunteer Observing Ship data. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 10.1002/2014GB004868
Hartman, S., Hartman, M., Hydes, D.J., Smythe-Wright, D., Gohin, F., Lazure, P. 2014. The role of hydrographic parameters, measured from a ship of opportunity, in bloom formation of Karenia mikimotoi in the English Channel. Journal of Marine Systems 140 (2014) 39–49
Jiang, Z. P., Hydes, D. J., Hartman, S. E., Hartman, M. C., & Campbell, J. M. 2014. Application and assessment of a membrane-based pCO2 sensor under field and laboratory. L&O methods, (LOM-13-04-0036)
Walsham P., Webster L., Engelke C., Greenwood N., Stewart B., Kivimae C., Hartman S., Pearce D and Gowen R. 2014. UK Ocean Acidification Coastal Monitoring Network: Expanding the UK Network (Defra Contract C5801/ME5309). Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science, 5(1) (
D J Hydes, M C Hartman, J M Campbell, Z P Jiang, S E Hartman, M. Pagnani, B A Kelly-Gerreyn, J Donahoe. 2013. Report of the SNOMS Project 2006 to 2012: SNOMS SWIRE NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. Part 2: Detailed Technical and Data Annexes.
David J. Hydes, Evin McGovern, Pamela Walsham, Alberto V. Borges, Carlos Borges, Naomi Greenwood, Susan E. Hartman, Caroline Kivimae, Klaus Nagel, Solveig Olafsdottir, David Pearce, Elisabeth Sahlsten, Carmen Rodriguez, Lynda Webster Chemical aspects of ocean acidification monitoring in the ICES Marine area (2013). ICES CRR 319
Hartman S.E, M.C.Hartman, D.J.Hydes, Z.P.Jiang, D.Smythe-Wright, 2013. Seasonal and inter-annual variability in productivity in relation to winter nutrient concentrations in the Bay of Biscay, DSR,
Jiang, Z.P., Hydes, D.J., Tyrrell, T., Hartman, S.E., Hartman, M.C., Dumousseaud, C., Padin, X.A., Skjelvan, I. and González-Pola, C., 2013. Key controls on the seasonal and interannual variations of the carbonate system and air-sea CO2 flux in the Northeast Atlantic (Bay of Biscay).Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118(2), pp.785-800.
Cianca, R. Santana, S. E. Hartman, J.M. Martin, M. González-Dávila, M. J. Rueda, O. Llinás and S. Neuer 2013. Oxygen Dynamics in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, DSRII3253, Deep-Sea Research Part II, 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.01.004
Hartman, M.C., Hydes, D.J., Campbell, J.M., Jiang, Z.P. and Hartman, S.E., 2012. Digital processing procedures for SNOMS project 2007 to 2012. Version 1. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, 51pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, 05).
Hartman S.E, R S. Lampitt, K E. Larkin, M Pagnani, J Campbell, A. Gkritzalis, Z Jiang, C A. Pebody, H A. Ruhl, A J. Gooday, B J. Bett, D S. M. Billett, P Provost, R McLachlan, J Turton, S Lankester 2012. The Porcupine Abyssal Plain fixed-point sustained observatory (PAP-SO): Variations and trends from the Northeast Atlantic fixed-point time-series, ICES Journal of Marine Science, ICESJMS-2011-214.R1
Smith, H.E.K., Tyrrell, T., Charalampopoulou, A., Dumousseaud, C., Legge, O.J., Birchenough, S., Pettit, L.R., Garley, R., Hartman, S.E., Hartman, M.C., Sagoo, N., Daniels, C.J., Achterberg, E.P. & Hydes, D.J. 2012. Predominance of heavily calcified coccolithophores at low CaCO3 saturation during winter in the Bay of Biscay. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 109, 8845–8849.
Kitidis V, N J. Hardman-Mountford, E Litt, I Brown, D Cummings, S Hartman, D Hydes, J R. Fishwick, C Harris, V Martinez-Vicente, E. M S. Woodward, T J. Smyth, 2012. Seasonal dynamics of the carbonate system in the Western English Channel. Continental Shelf Research 42, 30–40, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.04.012
Smith, H.K.E., Tyrrell, .T., Charalampopoulou, A., Dumousseaud, C., Legge, O.J., Birchenough, S., Pettit, L.R., Garley, R., Hartman, S.E., Hartman. M.C., Sagoo. N., Achterberg1 E.P. & Hydes, D.J. (submitted). Over-calcified Coccolithophores at Low CaCO3 Saturation during Winter in the Bay of Biscay. Nature Geosciences
Hydes D J Hartman S E, Seasonal and inter-annual variability in alkalinity in Liverpool Bay (53.5 ºN, 3.5 ºW) and in major rivers inputs to the North Sea, (accepted) Ocean Dynamics
Jiang, Z., Huang, J.,, Dai, M, Kao, S, Hydes, D.J. Chou, W., & Jan S., 2011 Short-term dynamics of oxygen and carbon in productive nearshore shallow seawater systems off Taiwan: Observations and modeling. Limnol. Oceanogr., 56(5), 2011, 1832–1849
Jiang, Z. 2011 An insight into surface ocean carbonate variability and air-sea CO2 fluxes from multiple observation platform. University of Southampton PhD Up- Grade Report. 58pp
Hydes, D.J. NOCS Contribution to the study of ocean acidification using ships of opportunity. UK Ocean Acidification Project First Annual Meeting, Cambridge 5-7 January 2011
Jiang, Z.P. An insight into surface ocean carbonate variability and air-sea CO2 fluxes from multiple observation platform. Up grade Seminar NOC 22 Mar 2011
Hydes, D.J. Progress with ship of opportunity carbon system measurements. ICES Marine Chemistry Working Group Meeting, Gothenburg Sweden. 28 Feb-3Mar, 2011.
Hydes, D.J. NOC Ships of Opportunity Measurements – causes of excess summer draw down of dissolved inorganic carbon. CarboChange EU FP7 project kickoff meeting. Bergen, Norway 7 -9 Mar 2011.
Hydes, D.J. Monitoring CO2 fluxes from ships of opportunity. Presenation to BG Group- Brazil, NOC Southampton. 10 June 2011.
Working Groups and Meetings
OceanScope (a new paradigm for the systematic and sustained observation of the ocean) Report Drafting Meeting. NOC Southampton, 10-12 Mar 2011
JERICO EU FP7 Project kick off meeting. Workpackage on ships of opportunity leader and steering group member. Paris 22-24 May 2011
ICOS Integrated Carbon Observing System. Stakeholders Meeting Brussels 30/31 May 2011
EMODNET-Physical Data Portal Meeting. Exploring user requirements for the EPDP. EuroGOOS Tallin Estonia 16-17 Jun 2011
JERICO Ship of Opportunity Meeting – Development of systems and data handling procedures. Hamburg Germany 30-31 Aug 2011.
IOCCP CO2 Data to Flux meeting. UNESCO Paris 12-13 Sep 2011
SOLAS-IMBER Meeting on Air Sea Fluxes UNESCO Paris 14-16 Sep 2011
IOCCP Steering Group Meeting – presentation of the ICOS OTC Office proposal to NERC. Paris 17 Sep 2011
Total Foundation Symposium on Ocean Acidification. Porquerolles France 5-7 Oct 2011
Hartman, S.E., Larkin, K.E., Lampitt, R.S., Lankhorst, M. and Hydes, D.J. (2010) Seasonal and inter-annual biogeochemical variations in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain 2003–2005 associated with winter mixing and surface circulation. [in special issue: Water Column and Seabed Studies at the PAP Sustained Observatory in the Northeast Atlantic] Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 57, (15), 1303-1312. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.01.007)
Pidcock, R, Srokosz, M, Allen, J, Hartman, M, Painter, S, Mowlem, M, Hydes, D, Martin, A, (2010) A Novel Integration of an Ultraviolet Nitrate Sensor On Board a Towed Vehicle for Mapping Open-Ocean Submesoscale Nitrate Variability. J. Atmos. Ocean.Tech. 27,1410-1416
Hydes, D., Kelly-Gerreyn, B., Colijn, F., Petersen, W., Schroeder, F., Mills, D., Durand, D., Wehde, H., Sørensen, K. and Morrison, G., (2010). "The Way Forward in Developing and Integrating Ferrybox Technologies" in Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.46
Borges, A., Hydes, D., and 47 others (2010). "A Global Sea Surface Carbon Observing System: Inorganic and Organic Carbon Dynamics In Coastal Oceans" in Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.07
Hartman, S.E., Hydes, D.J., Hemmings, J.C.P. and Schuster, U. (2010) Spatial and temporal variation in surface nitrate concentrations in the temperate and sub-tropical North Atlantic. In, Dahlin, H., Bell, M.J., Flemming, N.C. and Petersson, S.E. (eds.) Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS. Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS Norrköping, SE, EuroGOOS Office SMHI/Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), 103-109. (EuroGOOS Publication, 28)
Hydes, D.J., Hartman, M.C., Bargeron, C.P., Campbell, J.M., Cure, M.S. and Woolf, D.K. (2010) Studies of gas exchange and biological production by continuous observations from a ship of opportunity - Bay of Biscay Spring Bloom 2007. In, Dahlin, H., Bell, M.J., Flemming, N.C. and Petersson, S.E. (eds.) Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS. Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS Norrköping, SE, EuroGOOS Office SMHI/Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), 94-102. (EuroGOOS Publication, 28)
Aoyama, M. and D. Hydes, 2010: How do we improve the comparability of nutrient measurements? In: Comparability of nutrients in the world’s ocean, [Aoyama, M., A. G. Dickson, D. J. Hydes, A Murata, J. R. Oh, P. Roose and E.M.S. Woodward (eds.)] Mother Tank, Tsukuba, Japan pp. 1-10.
Published reports
Aoyama, M., Hydes, D. Daniel, A., Bakker, K., Murata, A., Tanhua, T. and Woodward, E. M. S., First Meeting of the joint IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS); IOC Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies, 223. UNESCO 2010. (English)
Hydes, D. J., M. Aoyama, A. Aminot, K. Bakker4 S. Becker, S. Coverly, A. Daniel, A. G. Dickson, O. Grosso, R. Kerouel, J. van Ooijen, K. Sato, T. Tanhua, E. M. S. Woodward, J. Z. Zhang (2010) Determination Of Dissolved Nutrients (N, P, Si) In Seawater With High Precision And Inter-Comparability Using Gas-Segmented Continuous Flow Analysers The GO-SHIP Repeat Hydrography Manual: A Collection of Expert Reports and Guidelines IOCCP report N.14, ICPO Publication Series N. No.134, Version 1, 2010
Published reports NOC
Hartman, M.C., Hydes, D.J. and Campbell, J.M. (2010) Pride of Bilbao FerryBox 2005 - an overview of the data obtained and improvements in procedures. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 56pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document, 16)
Hydes, D.J., Loucaides, S. and Tyrrell, T. (2010) Report on a desk study to identify likely sources of error in the measurements of carbonate system parameters and related calculations, particularly with respect to coastal waters and ocean acidification experiments. Supplement to DEFRA contract ME4133 “DEFRApH monitoring project”. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 53pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, 83)
Other reports
Hydes, D., McGoven, E., Borges, A.V. Greenwood, N., Kivimae, C., Nagel, K.Olafsdottir, S., Pearce, D., Sahlsten, E., and Rodriguez, C. (2010) Report to OSPAR in response to a request for information needed to support the development of monitoring of ocean acidification ICES Marine Chemistry Working Group (MCWG) Report 41pp
Hydes, D.J., Loucaides, S. and Tyrrell, T. (2010) Report on a desk study to identify likely sources of error in the measurements of carbonate system parameters and related calculations, particularly with respect to coastal waters and ocean acidification experiments. Supplement to DEFRA contract ME4133 “DEFRApH monitoring project”. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 53pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, 83)
Plenary presentation - Ship of opportunity science Annual Meeting ICES Marine Chemistry Working Group, Ghent Belgium 1-4 March
“The use of commercial vessels for sustained Marine observation the Ocean Scope concept.” EMODNET/MODEG meeting. EU Conference Centre, Brussels Belgium. 29/30 November 2010
"The global use of commercial ships and new gadgets to measure and study the science of our changing oceans" Bournemouth Natural Science Society, Bournemouth. 13 March 2010
IOC/ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards, UNESCO,Paris, France, 23/24 March
SCOR/IAPSO Working Group 133 OceanScope (a new paradigm for the systematic and sustained observation of the ocean) meeting London, 12-14 April
Submitted Publications
Hydes, D.J. Hartman, S.E., Hartman, M.C., Campbell, J.M., Johnson, B., Miller P. I.(2009) Deep Sea Research I. Validation of a low-maintenance ship-of-opportunity system for the measurement of pCO 2 - based on data from the North Atlantic and Mediterranean in summer 2007
Tao, F., Campbell, J., Pagnani, M., and Griffiths, G., (2009) Collaborative ocean resource interoperability - multi-use of ocean data on the semantic web. In, The 6th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2009). Heidelberg, Germany, Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). (In Press)
Hydes, D.J., (2009) Ship of Opportunity Observations and Ferry Box and SCOR- OceanScope. Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) Annual Meeting, Concepción, Chile, 7 Jan 2009.
Hydes, D. Colijn, F., Petersen, W. (2009) Ferry Box The Ferrybox Fleet – A European case study in automated observations (2009). Observations from Ships of Opportunity: Marine Science & Industry Partnerships for Stewardships of the Oceans. International meeting at Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) Headquarters, London, March 24th 2009
White papers
Hydes, D.J., Colijn, F., Petersen, W., Schroeder F., Mills D.K., Durand D., (2009) OceanObs'09 Community White Paper The way forward in developing and integrating FerryBox technologies. International Meeting OceanObs'09 - Ocean Information for Society, 21-25, September, 2009, Venice, Italy.
International Working Groups
SCOR/IAPSO WG 133: OceanScope: Meeting #1: 17-19 July 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Published Papers
Hardman-Mountford N.J., Moore, G., Bakker, D., Watson, A.J., Schuster, U., Barciela, R., Hines, A., Moncoiffé, G., Brown, J., Dye, S. Blackford, J. Somerfield, P., Holt, J. Hydes, D.J. and Aiken, J. (2008) An operational monitoring system to provide indicators of CO2-related variables in the ocean, ICES Journal of Marine Science (special issue on Environmental Indicators)
Hydes, D.J., Hartman, M.C., Bargeron, C.P., Campbell, J.M., Curé, M.S. and Woolf, D. K, (2008) A study of gas exchange during the transition from deep winter mixing to spring bloom (2007) in the Bay of Biscay measured by continuous observation from a ship of opportunity. Journal of Operational Oceanography 1(2), 41-50.
Hydes, D.J., Campbell, J.M., Hartman, M.C. and Pagnani, M.R. (2008) First Annual Report on the SNOMS Project. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 37pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, 34)
Submitted papers
D J. Hydes, M C Hartman, C P Bargeron, J M Campbell, MS Curé, and D K Woolf (2008) Studies of gas exchange and biological production by continuous observations from a ship of opportunity - Bay of Biscay Spring Bloom 2007. EuroGOOS 2008 Conference Volume.
Talks With Published Abstracts -
Hydes, D.J. (2008) Estimation of trophic status from measurements of total dissolved gas pressure, dissolved oxygen and partial pressure of carbon dioxide collected on (regionally and globally) operating ships of opportunity. Oceanology International Science Conference, London, 12 March 2008, London, UK.
D J. Hydes, M C Hartman, C P Bargeron, J M Campbell, MS Curé, and D K Woolf (2008) Studies of gas exchange and biological production by continuous observations from a ship of opportunity - Bay of Biscay Spring Bloom 2007. EuroGOOS 2008 20-22 May, Exeter UK.
D J. Hydes, M C Hartman, C P Bargeron, J M Campbell, M R Pagnani, MS Curé, and D K Woolf (2008) Studies of gas exchange and biological productivity by continuous observations from ships of opportunity on a global scale. Challenger Society Marine Science conference. Bangor, September 8 -11, 2008.
Talks 2008 no published abstracts
Hydes, D.J. NOC Poets Corner 7 Feb 2008 Round The World Twice ! An Update On Progress With The SNOMS (Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System) Global Ship Of Opportunity System - Featuring Results From - A Study Of Gas Exchange During The Transition From Deep Winter Mixing To Spring Bloom
Kelly-Gerreyn, BA, Hydes, DJ, Smythe Wright, D. (2008) Working with the shipping industry to achieve effective global and regional science (with focus on CO2). International Ocean Stewardship Forum. NOCS, 16 June 2008
Hydes, D.J. (2008) Regional and global monitoring using ships of opportunity, with particular reference to the estimation of plankton productivity based on measurements of dissolved oxygen. Aanderaa, 24 June 2008, Bergen, Norway.
Hydes, D.J. (2008) Regional and global monitoring using ships of opportunity (FerryBox systems):- (1) the estimation of plankton productivity based on measurements of dissolved oxygen (2) a low maintenance system for measurements of pCO2. Bjerknes Centre, University of Bergen. 26, June, 2008, Bergen, Norway.
Hydes, D.J. 14 July. Observations of air-sea fluxes of CO 2 ,CASIX and Ocean acidification. DEFRA visit to NOCS
Hydes, D.J. (2008) Global CO2 science - the Swire NOCS SNOMS Project. FerryBox'08. International Meeting NOC, Southampton, UK. 29-30 September, 2008.
Hydes, D.J. (2008) The “FerryBox” concept - the use of ships of opportunity in sustained monitoring programmes. Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China. 16, October, 2008,
Hydes, D.J. (2008) Sustained monitoring of seas and oceans using ships of opportunity. What are FerryBoxes and how are they being used. What we are doing in Europe. Marine Environmental Laboratory, University of Xiamen China. 20, October, 2008.
Hydes, D.J. (2008) Sustained monitoring of seas and oceans using ships of opportunity. What are FerryBoxes and how are they being used. What we are doing in Europe. Tsinghua University Graduate School, Schenzen, China. 23, October, 2008,
Hydes, D.J. (2008) How our oceans breathe. Royal Geographical Society, Hong Kong Football Club, Hong Kong, China, 23 October, 2008.
Outreach - Exhibition
Williamson P. et al., (2008) The Breathing Ocean Royal Society London, Summer Exhibition, 30 June -3 July
Outreach - General Publications
D J. Hydes, (2008) Studying the oceans to predict climate change Geochemical Society News gn135 (Apr 08) 2pp
D J. Hydes, C. Bleasdale (2008) SNOMS Studying The World's Oceans To Predict Climate Change. International Labmate. Summer 2008 3 pp
D J. Hydes, (2008) FerryBox Commercial ships help oceanographer follow climate change. Marine Scientist 25 pp 14-17.
C. Ainsworth (2008) FerryBoxes Begin To Make Waves. Science 322 pp1627-1629.
Petersen, W., Colijn, F., Hydes D., and Schroeder, F. (2007) FerryBox: From On-line Oceanographic Observations to Environmental Information EuroGOOS PublicationNo. 25 ISBN 978-91-974828-4-4
Related Meeting Reports Published
Alliance for Coastal Technologies (2007) Workshop Proceedings Integrated sensor systems for vessels of opportunity. NOC Southampton October 10-12, 2006. ACT-0606 REF NO (UMCES)CBL 07-011
ICES (2007) ICES Oceanography Committee ICES CM 2007/OCC:12 Report of the Workshop on the Significance of Changes in Surface CO2 and Ocean pH in ICES Shelf Sea Ecosystems (WKCpH) 2–4 May 2007 London, UK
Hydes, D.J., Campbell, J.M., Hartman, M.C. and Pagnani, M.R. (2008) First Annual Report on the SNOMS Project. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 37pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report, 34)
Web published NOC Documents
Hydes, D.J. and Campbell, J.M. (2007) Report on the SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. System description and inventory for the MV Pacific Celebes system fitted June 2007. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 15pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document, 8)
Hydes, D.J. and Campbell, J.M. (2007) Report on the SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. Maintenance and underway sampling protocols and safety information for the MV Pacific Celebes system fitted June 2007. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 27pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document, 9)
Hydes, D.J. and Campbell, J.M. (2007) SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System: Diary of the system development and installation on the MV Pacific Celebes in 2006 and 2007. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 22pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document, 10)
Abstracts & Presentations & Published
Bargeron, C.P. and Hydes, D.J. (2007) More pieces of the shelf to ocean CO 2 flux jigsaw puzzle. IOCCP, SOLAS, IMBER and GCP workshop ‘Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerabilities', April 11-14, 2007 at UNESCO Paris France.
Hydes, D.J. and Bargeron, C.P. (2007) Fine and global scale measurements of pCO2 and dissolved oxygen in relation to processes of biology and gas exchange. IOCCP, SOLAS, IMBER and GCP workshop ‘Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerabilities', April 11-14, 2007 at UNESCO Paris France.
Unpublished presentations
Hydes, D.J., (2007) NOC continuous observations of pCO2 and dissolved oxygen using ships of opportunity Modelling the response of marine ecosystems to increasing levels