Carbon Capture and Storage

CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) is the only greenhouse gas mitigation technology capable of realistically tackling the current anthropogenic CO2 emissions and ameliorating the current rate of global warming.

Terrestrial and offshore storage of CO2 in depleted oil and gas reservoirs and saline aquifers are the preferred options for most European nations including the United Kingdom, while in the United States, the number of enhanced oil recovery with CCS (EOR-CCS) projects has substantially increased in the last decade (see map). Since the early days of CCS, a number of experimental and numerical studies have been conducted to better understand the coupled Thermal, Hydrological, Mechanical, Chemical phenomena (THMCs) that may occur in the reservoir during CO2 injection – with the potential of altering its geomechanical integrity and, ultimately, leading to risks associated with induced seismicity and CO2-leakage to surface. However, very little consideration has been given to the post-closure stage, regarding the hydromechanical behaviour of storage reservoirs after CCS.


Geomechanical Assessment of CO2 Storage Reservoir Integrity Post-closure (Grant NE/R013535/1, GASRIP) is a project primarily designed to study how CO2-brine induced-salt precipitation/dissolution affects geomechanical integrity of CO2 storage reservoirs. By looking at changes in the elastic, mechanical and transport properties of natural sandstones in the laboratory, GASRIP will assess variations in the mechanical properties in saline siliciclastic reservoirs post-CO2 injection.


The major objective of this project is to fill the lack of research regarding the geomechanical integrity of CCS and EOR-CCS post-closure, by identifying the derived THMC phenomena from a comprehensive laboratory programme and state-of-the-art data analysis and interpretation. GASRIP is designed to provide tools for risk assessment and development strategies for CCS and EOR-CCS projects, through the understanding and control of salt weathering mechanisms in CO2 storage saline aquifers.


Research hypothesis

GASRIP’s research hypothesis is that the original mechanical properties of saline aquifer reservoirs are altered by haloclasty during CO2 storage (reservoir inflation); while posterior dissolution of the salt-bearing formation due to natural aquifer recharge post-closure may be the onset of a mechanical instability (reservoir over-compaction). This process is expected to modify also the transport properties of the reservoir. Thus, in a controlled manner, salt precipitation/dissolution associated with CO2/brine cycles could improve transport properties of tight reservoirs and so the recovery rates in unconventional reservoirs (EOR strategy).

Work program

The overall programme divides into two experimental work packages (WP1 and WP2) and a third one (WP3) to generate outcomes (datasets and software) for potential beneficiaries. The project will be developed at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOCS). NOCS facilities include equipment for He-pycnometer, XRD and ICP–OES analysis, and a number of workshops for sample preparation, including thin sections from rock samples. It also extends to the University of Southampton, where the facilities for CT-scanning are placed.

Work packages

WP1. Salt precipitation/dissolution induced-damage in CO2 storage reservoirs.

  • Real reservoir samples acquisition
  • Brine-CO2 flow-through (BCFT) tests for determination of elastic and mechanical parameters (using the High Pressure Multi-flow Rig at the NOC)
  • Mechanical compressive testing under realistic reservoir confining conditions

WP2. Induced rock weathering to enhance recovery rates of carbonate reservoirs.

  • Synthetic carbonate-bearing sandstone reservoir analogues.
  • Brine-CO2 flow-through (BCFT) tests using synthetic carbonate-bearing sandstone samples
  • Textural and mineralogical assessment.

WP3. Data management and software

NOCS Open Day 2021

8 June 2021 – Southampton


INTERVIEW: Meet Dr Ismael Himar Falcon-Suarez, Rock Physicist

ZEISS microscopy blog:

Salt Crystallization in Carbon Dioxide Storage Reservoirs

April 2021

GASRIP in 2019

Press release: Canarias ahora

14 July 2019 –

NOCS Open Day 2019

8 June 2019 – Southampton

Exhibitors: Dr Berit Lehrmann & Dr Ismael Himar Falcon-Suarez

We exhibited the experimental setup we use in the Rock Physics Laboratory (NOCS) for CO2 storage simulations at the laboratory scale. We explained to the audience how important is to characterize the main reservoir properties and monitor changes during and after the CO2 injection, to guaranty reservoir integrity. Basic geological concepts were first introduced to the audience, followed by a brief description of the ongoing CO2 storage projects in which the Marine Geosciences group is involved (GASRIP, STEMM-CCS and CHIMNEY).

Divulgative talks in Canary Islands

1 April 2019 – Fuerteventura

Divulgative talks at the high schools of Gran Tarajal – Fuerteventura

Talk title: "Carbon Capture and Storage: for a Responsible Use of the Natural Resources" (Captura y Almacenamiento de CO2: Por un Uso Responsable de los Recursos Naturales)

Morning talk at: I.E.S. Gran Tarajal

Organisers: Juan Miguel Torres Cabrera, Victor Perez Ramallo

Afternoon talk at: I.E.S Vigan

Organisers: Elba Suarez Guedes, Elena Acosta Martin, Maria Victoria Cabo Lopez

Post-conference interview conducted by Maria Cabrera and published in March-April issue of "El Rincon del Vigan"

GASRIP in 2018

10–14 December – Washington: GASRIP goes to AGU!

Session ID: MR34A & MR41B

Session Title: MR005. Coupled Processes in Geological Media and Reservoirs: Field Observations, Experimental, and Modelling I (oral session) and II (posters)

Section/Focus Group: Mineral and Rock Physics

Primary convener: Ismael Falcon-Suarez (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)

Conveners: Georgios Papageorgiou (University of Edinburgh); Pania Newell (University of Utah), Ehsan Ghazanfari (University of Vermont).

Chairs: Pania Newell (University of Utah), Jordi Delgado-Martin (University of A Coruna).

OSPA Liaison: Ismael Falcon-Suarez (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)

Multi-flow rig for CCS experiments at the Rock Physics laboratory (NOC)

In this video we explain how we conduct our experimental reserch

Speakers: Angus I. Best & Ismael H. Falcon-Suarez (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)

UKCCSRC-FCS workshop

1 November 2018 – Coventry

Invited speaker: Ismael Falcon-Suarez (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)

Title Combined geophysical and hydro-mechanical assessment of storage reservoirs at the laboratory scale during and after CO2 injection for a responsible use of natural geological systems.

NOCS Open Day 2018

9 June 2018 – Southampton

Exhibitors: PhD candidate Andrea Muñoz Ibáñez & Dr Ismael Falcon-Suarez

We exhibited the experimental setup we use in the Rock Physics Laboratory (NOCS) for CO2 storage simulations at the laboratory scale. We explained to the audience how important is to characterize the main reservoir properties and monitor changes during and after the CO2 injection of CO2, to guaranty the stability of the geological system. Basic geological concepts were introduced to the audience, regarding the potential physico-chemical and mechanical effects that can take place in the reservoir as a result of CO2-brine-rock interaction. To this aim, we showed rock samples subjected to CO2-brine flow-through tests, together with their respective twin non-tested samples for comparison. Finally, we introduced the ongoing CO2 storage projects in which the Marine Geosciences group is involved (GASRIP, STEMM-CCS and CHIMNEY), emphasizing our work to improve the monitoring tools and methods for safe and secure CO2 storage activities.

UKCCSRC biannual meeting – March 2018

26-27 March 2018 – Cambridge

GASRIP is presented to the UK-CCS community.

NPIF fellows Induction Day

21 March 2018 – NERC Head Office, Swindon

Induction day to (i) introduce the research fellow to the NERC system, (ii) to promote networking and collaborations between NPIF fellows and (iii) to enhance the impact of the fellowships across the academia and industry.


January 2018

Work Package 1 commenced on the 2 January 2018

GASRIP up to June 2021


  • Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Lichtschlag, A., Marin-Moreno, H., Papageorgiou, G., Sahoo, S.K., Roche, B., Callow, B., Gehrmann, R.A.S., Chapman, M., North, L. (2021) Core-scale geophysical and hydromechanical analysis of seabed sediments affected by CO2 venting. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 108, 103332,
  • Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Bathija, A.P. (2021) Introduction to this special section: The role of geophysics in a net-zero-carbon world. The Leading Edge 40, 244–244 ,
  • Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Livo, K., Callow, B., Marin-Moreno, H., Prasad, M., Best, A.I. (2020) Geophysical early warning of salt precipitation during geological carbon sequestration, Scientific Reports, 10(1), 16472,
  • Falcon-Suarez, I.H., G. Papageorgiou, Z. Jin, A. Muñoz-Ibáñez, M. Chapman, and A. I. Best (2020), CO2-Brine Substitution Effects on Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Through Sandstone With Oblique Fractures, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(16), e2020GL088439,
  • Falcon-Suarez, I.H., North, L., Callow, B., Bayrakci, G., Bull, J., Best, A. (2020) Experimental assessment of the stress-sensitivity of combined elastic and electrical anisotropy in shallow reservoir sandstones, Geophysics, 85(5), MR271,
  • Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., Falcon-Suarez, I.H.,Marín-Moreno, H., Martín, J.D., Mackin, P. (2019) Transport properties of saline CO2 storage reservoirs with unconnected fractures from brine-CO2 flow-through tests, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 106551,
  • Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Amalokwu, K., Delgado-Martin, J., Callow, B., Robert, K., North, L., Sahoo, S.K., Best, A.I. (2019) Comparison of stress-dependent geophysical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of synthetic and natural sandstones for reservoir characterization and monitoring studies, Geophysical Prospecting, 67(4), 784–803,

Conferences (O, P and IL for oral, poster and invited lectures, respectively)

  • IL – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2021) Joint elastic-electrical monitoring for detecting and quantifying CO2-induced salt precipitation during geological carbon and storage, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9920.
  • O – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2020) Elastic and hydromechanical properties of fractured sandstone reservoirs during and after CO2 storage. In: 4th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage, 11–12 February, Bergen
  • IL – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2019) Geophysical study of induced petrophysical changes on sandstones: CO2-injection ad methane hydrates. In: 11th ISNWLT, 27 September, Qingdao
  • IL – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2019) CCS geophysical monitoring at the laboratory scale during and after CO2 injection activities. In: SEG post-convention workshop W-11, 16–20 September, San Antonio, TX
  • O – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. et al. (2019) Integrated geophysical, hydraulic and mechanical assessment of fractured saline reservoirs analogues during and after CO2 injection. In: 5iWRP, 22-26th April, Hong Kong (
  • P – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. et al. (2019) A combined elastic and resistivity anisotropy study of shallow weakly-cemented sandstone formations. In: 5iWRP, 22–26 April, Hong Kong (
  • IL – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2019) Captura y almacenamiento de CO2, IES Vigan and IES Gran Tarajal High Schools, Fuerteventura
  • P – Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Muñoz-Ibañez, A. (2018) Pore Fluid Distribution in Saline Sandstone CO2 Storage Reservoirs with Aligned Fractures: Experimental Geophysical Assessment. In: AGU Fall Meeting, 10–14 December, Washington, DC (
  • IL – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2018) A combined geophysical and geomechanical assessment of storage reservoirs during and after CO2 injection, University of Vermont, Burlington, VM, USA
  • IL – Falcon-Suarez, I.H. (2018) GASRIP: Combined geophysical and hydro-mechanical assessment of storage reservoirs at the laboratory scale during and after CO2 injection for a responsible use of natural geological systems. UKCCSRC workshop, 1st Novemeber, Coventry, UK
  • P – Falcon-Suarez, I., Best, A.I. (2018) GASRIP: Geomechanical Assessment of CO2 Storage Reservoir Integrity Post-closure. In: UKCCSRC Network Conference, 26–27 March 2018, Cambridge (
