Posted: 1 August 2023

The UK Sustained Scientific Ocean Observation Priorities (SSOOP) report has been released. In 2022 the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) led a consultation on prioritising ocean observations, following a request from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

To ensure objectivity, impartiality, and to capture a broad spectrum of views from across the UK marine science community, NOC ran an open consultation, coupled with a reliance on documented evidence and best practice from across the UK and the international community. 

The consultation consisted of three mechanisms to gather data, evidence and opinion:

  • Individual Consultation – open to all
  • Best Practice from international strategies
  • Ideas and Opinions from existing organisations and forums.

Following collation of the evidence, NOC assembled a workshop to discuss the results and identify the key priority observations and the report from this community-based consultation is published now.