Posted: 31 January 2017
RRS Discovery

The NOC will be attending Oceanology International North America 14-16 February 2017 in San Diego, California.

Come and see us at exhibition stand B38 or you can attend the following sessions:

Session: Sensors & Instrumentation – Approaches & Technologies to Improve Sensor Capacity for Autonomous Measurement Platforms

15 Feb 2017, 09:00 – 10:30 Conference Room 26B
Robin Pascal, Head of the OTEG Multidisciplinary Projects Subgroup, NOC
The Development of Biogeochemical Sensors for Autonomous Systems in the Marine Environment

Session: Unmanned Vehicles & Vessels - Innovations in Autonomy: Panel Session
15 Feb 2017, 16:00 –17:30 Conference Room 26B
Kevin Forshaw, Associate Director – Innovation and Enterprise, NOC
Pioneering Marine Autonomy Developments at the NOC, and Supporting Business to Develop the Marine Autonomous Systems of Tomorrow

Investment, Trade & Innovation Theatre: Near & Far Market Trading
15 Feb 2017, 11:00 - 16:00, Investment, Trade & Innovation Theatre
Kevin Forshaw, Associate Director - Innovation and Enterprise, NOC

OI North America will host a series of International Trading sessions for companies attending the event who are looking to build their export potential and establish international trading partnerships with foreign counterparts. The 'near market' focus highlights trading opportunities within North and Latin America and surrounding countries, followed by similar ‘far markets’ sessions covering trading with countries in the Europe and Asia.

If you are registered for Oceanology International North America and would like to book a one-to-one meeting with the NOC, please contact us through the conference portal.