Posted: 3 September 2020
Glider deployment in Tanzania

A new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the National Oceanography Centre starts 5 October and is now open for registration.

This free online course, Ocean Science in Action: Addressing Marine Ecosystems and Food Security in the Western Indian Ocean, will introduce learners to innovative marine technologies and their applications used to tackle the challenges of the sustainable management of marine ecosystems.

The course is an output from the SOLSTICE-WIO project, a four-year collaborative project funded by the UK Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Launched in October 2017, the project brings together advances in marine technologies, local knowledge and research expertise, to address challenges facing the Western Indian Ocean region in a cost-effective way via state-of-the-art technology transfer, collaborative environmental and socio-economic research and hands-on training.

In this four-week course, featuring over 30 video lectures including footage of fieldwork, numerical ocean model animations and visualisations of the Remote Sensing data, learners will explore how new technologies can form the basis for environmental research and monitoring programs to deliver decision support for marine policy development and resource management. Using case studies based in the Western Indian Ocean, learners will see how marine science could be applied to the sustainable management of local marine ecosystems, and how this may contribute to global efforts to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The course is available via Future Learn and starts 5 October.