Posted: 21 July 2020
NOC Strategy 2020.

Late last year the National Oceanography Centre celebrated becoming an independent organisation. Leaders of our own destiny, with greater freedom to pursue our goals to understand the impact of the ocean on all life on Earth.

Whilst we are now future-focused, we sit on strong 70-year-old foundations, of heritage, experience, and a powerful international reputation. The National Oceanography Centre is successful because it has been able to change faster than the world around it. Our new freedom will give us the opportunity to continue in this spirit, allowing us to be agile and continually evolve.

Professor Ed Hill, the NOC’s Chief Executive, said: “The opportunities are not only scientific but are energised by the challenges human society is facing, and now is the time to look forward to our future vision and goals.

Our five year strategy is ambitious. It aims to preserve the very best of what we do, and grow our work – exploring new depths; creating the most innovative technologies; being the most exciting place to learn and work.”

The strategy describes our shared values and our mission – an enduring one: To advance knowledge and understanding of the ocean. It describes our vision to be the world’s most innovative ocean research institution.

Our strategy also sets out a series of high-level goals that will help us achieve our charitable aims.

We invite you to watch our short presentation and download the full pdf version below.