Posted: 17 January 2011
Professor Sir David King
The oceans are a major driver of our weather and climate and this Centre is a major focus of marine science excellence internationally
Sir David King

Professor Sir David King will chair the National Oceanography Centre’s newly formed Advisory Council. The inaugural meeting took place on Monday 12 January at the Institute of Physics in London, where Terms of Reference were agreed.

Sir David is Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford, Director of Research in Physical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge, Director of the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Chancellor of the University of Liverpool and a senior scientific adviser to UBS. He was Chief Scientific Adviser to H.M. Government under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and Head of the Government Office for Science from 2000 to 2007.

Sir David said, “I am delighted to accept this appointment to chair the eminent group of individuals who will be advising on the strategic development of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) National Oceanography Centre and its engagement with the wider community, including policy makers, industry and the public. The oceans are a major driver of our weather and climate and this Centre is a major focus of marine science excellence internationally.”

Professor Ed Hill, Executive Director of the National Oceanography Centre said, “The oceans are vital to all life on Earth and offer solutions to many of the most pressing challenges of our age. We need to ensure that our excellent science and technology base is sustained and that our work makes a global impact. The expertise and experience that Sir David and the Members of the Advisory Council can offer us will be invaluable as we chart the way ahead.”

Other members of the new Advisory Council include:

  • Dr Jim Baker, Director of the Global Carbon Measurement Program of the William J. Clinton Foundation,
  • Dr Dougal Goodman FREng, Chief Executive of The Foundation for Science and Technology,
  • Professor Peter Herzig, Director IFM Geomar, Germany,
  • Professor Peter Liss CBE FRS, University of East Anglia,
  • Dr John Lock, DEFRA,
  • John Murray Chief Executive of the Society of Maritime Industries,
  • Iain Shepherd, Chairman of Marine South East,
  • Professor Julia Slingo OBE, Met Office Chief Scientist, and
  • Dr Steven Wilson of NERC.