Posted: 19 July 2024

The National Oceanography Centre has published the National Marine Facilities (NMF) Technology Roadmap 2023–24.

The roadmap explains how NMF is developing the National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), ship-fitted instrumentation and supporting infrastructure. Through NERC national capability funding, these capabilities support marine science, large-scale research infrastructure, and enable the UK to contribute to the Global Ocean Observing System. The 2023/24 roadmap considers how some recommendations from the Net Zero Oceanographic Capability (NZOC) summary report might be implemented over the next five years.

In producing the roadmap, the NMF team worked with members of the Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB). Chaired by Professor Carol Robinson, from the University of East Anglia, MFAB enables the community to discuss potential new capabilities for the NMEP.

Dr Maaten Furlong, Associate Director, National Marine Facilities, said: “We are delighted to present the NMF Technology Roadmap 2023–24 which features world-class technology and the strategy to support national and international scientific endeavour. Enhancing understanding of the ocean is critical in addressing the environmental challenges facing the planet. I would like to thank all who have contributed to the roadmap, in particular Dr Alex Phillips, Head of Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems (MARS) Development Group, Helen Oldridge, Head of Scientific Engineering and the members of MFAB”.

National Marine Facilities

NOC provides facilities to the UK marine research community as a centralised and cost-effective resource.

Equipment within the NMEP is available for use by the marine science community. Contact us for more information or to arrange commercial hire of our instruments, vehicles, and equipment.