Early Career Researcher workshop: Marine Science and Technology: promoting UK-Colombian interdisciplinary research collaboration and career opportunities

Early Career Researcher Workshop 18–21 November 2014

18–21 November 2014 – Early Career Researcher participants workshop on: Marine Science and Technology – promoting UK-Colombian interdisciplinary research collaboration and career opportunities

Under the British Council Researcher Links scheme we will be holding a 4-day workshop on the above theme in Santa Marta, Colombia over 18–21 November 2014.

The workshop is being coordinated by Professor James Mair (Heriot-Watt University, UK) and Professor Edgardo Londoño-Cruz (Universidad del Valle, Colombia), and will have contributions from other leading researchers:

  • Professor Richard Preziosi (University of Manchester)
  • Dr Joanne Porter (Heriot-Watt University)
  • Dr Mario Londoño-Mesa (Universidad de Antioquia)
  • Dr Alan Giraldo (Universidad del Valle)

We are now inviting Early Career Researchers from the UK and Colombia to apply to attend this workshop. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Researcher Links programme.

The application form, with more details on the initiative, is available to download from the following website and should be sent to both j.m.mair@hw.ac.uk and edgardo.londono@correounivalle.edu.co before the NEW deadline of 29 September, 2014.

Further information on eligibility is given on the application form.
