Dr John Siddorn appointed as Chief Executive of the National Oceanography Centre

Posted: 20 March 2024
Dr John Siddorn

Dr John Siddorn

I am excited to be taking on this role and working with the talented teams across NOC as they continue to provide world-leading science and innovation.

Dr John Siddorn

Dr John Siddorn will officially start the role of CEO of the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) on 4 April 2024, bringing with him extensive experience in leadership in science, technology and innovation.

Dr Siddorn will be replacing Professor Ed Hill CBE, who announced his retirement from NOC in November 2023 after nineteen years of distinguished service leading the organisation.

Dr Siddorn is NOC’s Chief Scientist and Director of Data, Science and Technology. Prior to joining NOC, John led ocean forecasting research at the Met Office, and has a background in oceanography, with research interests in ocean and marine biogeochemistry modelling.

Sir Jeremy Darroch, Chair of the NOC Board of Trustees, said: “I am delighted with the appointment of John as CEO of NOC. He brings a strong track record of leadership in innovation for ocean research. Under his leadership we will keep pushing the frontiers of science and innovation so that we have the ocean knowledge needed for this, and future, generations. I would also like to thank Professor Ed Hill for his tireless efforts and outstanding contributions to NOC and ocean research. Professor Hill has provided exceptional leadership at NOC for almost twenty years, particularly in recent years in leading NOC in becoming an independent organisation, ready to meet our future challenges and opportunities.”

Dr Siddorn, who has been with NOC since 2021, said “NOC is an institution with a global reputation and world-class expertise. It is an organisation which has been at the forefront of research and continuously transforming to meet the demands of its diverse range of stakeholders and customers” said Dr Siddorn.

“With climate change and biodiversity crises escalating as global priorities, it’s never been more important to provide the ocean science research and technology that society needs. As an independent organisation we must demonstrate the value and positive impact our data, services and expertise can deliver to government, businesses, and individuals, for the UK and internationally.”

“I am excited to be taking on this role and working with the talented teams across NOC as they continue to provide world-leading science and innovation”.

About the National Oceanography Centre

NOC is the UK’s leading institution for integrated coastal and deep ocean research. NOC undertakes and facilitates world-class agenda-setting scientific research and technology development to understand the global ocean by solving challenging multidisciplinary, large scale, long-term marine science problems to underpin international and UK public policy, business and societal outcomes. NOC is a company limited by guarantee set up under the law of England and Wales (11444362) and registered as a charity (1185265).

NOC operates the Royal Research Ships James Cook and Discovery and develops technology for coastal and deep ocean research. Working with its partners NOC provides long-term marine science capability including: sustained ocean observations, mapping and surveying; data management and scientific research and advice.

Among the resources that NOC provides on behalf of the UK are the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), the Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems (MARS) facility, the National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), the National Tide and Sea Level Facility (NTSLF), and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility (BOSCORF). NOC also provides the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) as a global service.