Posted: 8 June 2016

The NOC is recruiting a new Director of Science and Technology. Ian Wright, the current post holder leaves the NOC after eight years in August to take up the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, his home country.

This is a unique opportunity to provide strategic leadership for the distinctive programmes of research and technology development and national capability that NOC delivers.

The post holder will play a vital role in achieving the NOC’s vision – to be one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions – and in delivering our recently updated mission: to make sense of changing seas, upon which future human wealth and wellbeing depends.

The NOC aims to further secure its position a global centre of excellence for high impact and big ocean science, and to be a highly attractive scientific collaborator. It is committed to being an effective partner to business, supporting growth in the UK and other economies, and transforming ocean measurement technologies. The NOC prides itself on its ability to make an impact with independent scientific advice and expertise.

The NOC is recognised as an Investor in People and wants to be a great place to be for ocean researchers, technical specialists and other experts, a place where people can succeed and deliver great work.

More information about the role and the NOC.