Posted: 8 November 2012
Joseph Proudman building, Liverpool

20 November 2012 – The 2012 Proudman Lecture will be given by Prof. Reiner Rummel from Technische Universität München, entitled “Gravity from space, the geoid and the ocean”

The lecture will be held in the Halsall Room, Foresight Centre, 1 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, beginning promptly at 14.00 on Tuesday 20 November.

All are welcome to attend, including National Oceanography Centre scientists, engineers, and support staff as well as students and staff from the University of Liverpool and beyond.

Discussion and questions are encouraged during the lecture, and it will be followed by a more informal debate and refreshments in the Cath Allen Room of the Joseph Proudman Building, National Oceanography Centre, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool.

Read the abstract for the lecture.

More information on our seminar programme for Autumn 2012

We look forward to seeing you for an exciting talk.

Your seminar organising team,

Lucy Bricheno, Jenny Brown and Chris Wilson