Dr Tabitha Pearman is a marine biologist with more than fifteen years’ experience in marine habitat mapping gained from industry and academia. Tabitha has participated in over 30 cruises and her research focusses on interdisciplinary approaches to mapping and improving our knowledge of vulnerable marine ecosystems, with particular emphasis on cold-water corals in complex environments.
Member of the Scientific Steering Committee for the International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals
Member of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea's Working Group on Deep-Sea Ecology
Member of Deep-Ocean Stewardship deep-sea fisheries and vulnerable marine ecosystem working groups
Current Projects:
iAtlantic – Integrated assessment of Atlantic marine ecosystems in space and time
ECOWind-ACCELERATE - Ecological Implications of Accelerated Seabed Mobility around Wind farms
CLASS- Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science
Past Projects:
Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Project – Mapping and assessing deep-sea fishery impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South-west Atlantic to develop a vulnerable marine ecosystems strategy