Photograph of Dr Stefanie Rynders
Marine Systems Modelling
s.rynders at

I'm a global ocean modeller developing sea ice, ocean and wave models. My main interest are the polar regions, for which I do coupled simulations looking at various aspects of surface dynamics. I'm also interested in applied sciences and climate services, for instance I have worked on environmental risks for off-shore structures.

Google Scholar profile 

ResearchGate profile



NOC Athena SWAN self-assessment team

Current projects:

  • UK-Russia Arctic bursary project
  • COMFORT: Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points
  • IMMERSE: Improving Models for Marine EnviRonment SErvices
  • Towards a marginal Arctic sea ice cover
  • APEAR: Advective Pathways of nutrients and key Ecological substances in the ARctic

Past projects:

  • SOS-SOS: Safer Operations at Sea - Supported by Operational Simulations
  • Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme
  • CRESCENDO: Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, Knowledge, Dissemination and Outreach 
  • SWARP: Ships and Waves reaching Polar Regions