Marine Systems Modelling
sophy.oliver at

I am a marine biogeochemical modeller, and my research interests include:

  • Global ocean biogeochemical modelling
  • Biogeochemical parameter optimization
  • The ocean biological carbon pump
  • Deep sea benthic ecology and response to anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. deep-sea mining)
  • The variability and projections of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre and North Atlantic Bloom
  • Efficient coupling of biogeochemical tracers to physical circulation via the Transport Matrix Method (Khatiwala et al., 2005)

2022- present | National Oceanography Centre | Modeller – Marine Biogeochemistry

2017-22 | University of Oxford | Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) in Environmental Research

2015-17 | Fugro GB Marine Limited | Project Oceanographer

PhD publication

Oliver, S., Cartis, C., Kriest, I., Tett, S.F.B. and Khatiwala, S., 2022. A derivative-free optimisation method for global ocean biogeochemical models. Geoscientific Model Development15(9), pp.3537-3554.