Bio: I hold a BA in Geology-Physics/Mathematics from Brown Univ., a MSc in Geotechnical Engineering, and a PhD in Applied Seismology both from UC Berkeley. I worked on near surface characterization of velocity and seismic attenuation for seismic microzonation studies at the Institute of Engineering Seismology in Greece, and the Univ. of Pavia in Italy. In 2013, I joined the Edinburgh Time Lapse project (ETLP) at Heriot-Watt Univ. working on various aspects of 4D seismic modelling/inversion linked to reservoir fluid flow and geomechanics. In 2019, I joined the Univ. of Edinburgh as a research associate working on the characterization of deformation leading to catastrophic failure through induced seismicity monitoring and coda wave interferometry. I have worked as staff and consultant for the geotechnical engineering industry (Fugro West), oil and gas industry (Chevron, Berkeley GeoImaging), and on wind farm noise characterization (Community Windpower, North Sea Transition Authority).
Research Interests: Ocean and subsurface monitoring via active and passive seismic techniques. Noise characterization/utilization. Subsurface storage and geothermal reservoirs. Monitoring with fibre optic technology.
Seismo-Acoustics Researcher
Assoc. Editor Journal of Geophysics and Engineering
MOET Managing the Environmental Sustainability of the Offshore Energy Transition, NERC
On the Edge?, NERC