My research bridges the spatiotemporal scales between diazotrophs (nitrogen-fixers) and global biogeochemical cycles. Ranging from cold and nutrient-rich waters such as the mesopelagic ocean or coastal upwelling ecosystems to ocean deserts, I seek to understand which factors control the magnitude, distribution and diversity of nitrogen fixation in the ocean. To this end I combine nanotechnology, molecular biology, biogeochemistry and modelling approaches.
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You can check my publications here
- Senior Research Scientist (NOC)
- Chargée de Recherche Hors Classe (IRD, France)
- Associate Editor Limnology & Oceanography Letters
NERC Cruise Programme Review Group (CPRG)
French High-Seas Oceanographic Fleet Commission (CNFH)
BioGeoSCAPES Science Plan Writing Team
Aquatic N2-Fixation Research Coordination Network
Current projects
- EXPAND: will nitrogEn fiXaTion offset nitrogen dePletion in expAnding oceaN Deserts?, PI (ERC Consolidator Grant, EU)
- POET: Particles as niches for nOn-cyanobactErial diazoTrophs, co-PI (Transatlantic Research Partnership, USA-France)
- ANITA: Architecture and dyNamics of marIne parTicle colonizAtion, PI (Amidex, France)
- Past projects
- FIESTA: “FInE scale dynamicS of diazoTrophs in the oceAn”, PI (ANR-JCJC, France)
- PANDA: Particles as niches for non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs, PI (EC2CO, France)
- MANIOC: iMpact of particle microbial colonisation on Nitrogen cyclIng in the Ocean, PI (A*Midex, Institut Océans, AMU, France)
- DEFINE2: “Diazotroph activity and diversity shaped by fine scale ocean dynamics”, PI (LEFE, France)
- DOGMA: “Diazotrophs and OrGanic Matter under climAte change”, co-PI (EC2CO, France)
- IDEFIX: “Dinitrogen Fixation in the Indian Ocean: an interbasin and seasonal comparison”, PI (Pure Ocean Fund, France)
- FIGURE: “Fine scales shaping nitrogen fIxation in the GUlf stream”, PI (Eurofleets)
- ART: “AggRegation processes in Trichodesmium”, PI (EC2CO, France)
- DINDE: “Dinitrogen Fixation in the Indian Ocean: an interbasin and seasonal comparison”, co-PI (Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, France-India)
- DEFINE: “Diazotroph activity and diversity shaped by fine scale ocean dynamics”, PI (LEFE, France)
- EMPANADAS: “Exploring Microbes in marine PArticles: fuNction, trAits and Diversity Associated”, co-PI (Axes Transverses MIO, France)
- NOTION: “NitrOgen fixers structuring phyToplankton bIodiversity in the OceaN under climate change”, PI (BNP Paribas Foundation Climate & Biodiversity initiative)
- TAPAS: “Transfert et cAractéristiques des PArticules dans les Systèmes océaniques”, co-PI (Axes Transverses MIO, France)
- OASIS: Oceanic nitrogen fixation Across SpatIotemporal Scales”, co-PI (Thomas Jefferson Foundation, USA-France)
- REACH: Remineralization of black carbon (BC) particles in coastal waters off Halong Bay (Vietnam) under different oxidation states”, PI (Action Sud IRD, France)
- Black Carbon project, PI (Action Sud IRD, France)