Photograph of Lynda Haller
Funding Assurance
lynhal at

Senior Funding Assurance Officer based at NOC Southampton.  We can assist you with proposal eligibility queries, demand management and any funder/bid questionnaires.  We will also complete any external reporting requirements and arrange audits.  Also we can help with JeS/ESA/EU/Innovate portals, and the Funding Service.

Project Manager for:

  • FCDO:
    • CMEP 1-6 - Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme - PI Chris Pearce / Alan Evans
  • GCRF:
    • SOLSTICE - WIO - Sustainable Oceans, Livelihoods and food Security Through Increased Capacity in Ecosystem Research - PI Katya Popova
    • Beyond SOLSTICE and Beyond ODA - PI Katya Popova
  • NC-International:
    • ACCORD, T-GCOS, pre-FOCUS and FOCUS - Future states Of the global Coastal Ocean, Understanding for Solutions  - PI Jason Holt / Kevin Horsburgh
  • Darwin Awards:
    • DPLUS152 CRA Coastal Research Atlas and DPLUS150 ESCV Ecosystem Sensitivity and Climate Vulnerability - PI James Strong
  • ESA:
    • Seastarex - PI David McCann
    • SciRec - PI Christine Gommenginger