Dr Jenny Jardine is a coastal ocean modeller in the National Oceanography Centre’s Marine Systems Modelling Group, specialising in shelf sea biophysical interactions in relation to climate and anthropogenic perturbations. She completed her PhD at the University of Liverpool in 2019, whereby she used a combination of observational (Slocum gliders) and hindcast model data (AMM7) from the Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry project to explore the impact of winter-storms on seasonal stratification initiation and spring bloom development on the Northwest European Shelf. She started her postdoctoral position at NOC in 2019 as part of the SANH project, investigating how nutrients transports will change in South Asia, and has helped develop a new model framework for relocatable NEMO configurations in the region. As part of the ECOWINGS and PELAgIO projects, Jenny is investigating regional impacts of offshore wind farms on stratfication and primary productivity, using a combination of FVCOM-ERSEM and NEMO-ERSEM coupled models.
- Coastal Ocean Hydrodynamic-Biogeochemical Modeller
- Staff Focus Group representative for MSM
- MSM Engagment Officer
- SANH: South Asia Nitrogen Hub
- PELAgIO: Physics-to-Ecosytem Level Assessment of Impacts of Offshore Windfarms
- FOCUS: Future states Of the global Coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions