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If you are interested in applying for a PhD related to coastal hazards, search the Flood-CDT.
Research Interests
Shelf sea and coastal impact modelling: Application and development of nested modelling systems to simulate 3D wave-circulation interactions, the net sediment transport which they cause, leading to changing coastal morphology, and coastal flood hazard. Coastal hazards monitoring: Development of new measurement systems that stream near real-time hazard information and provide data to calibrate/validate and develop predictive tools.
All with the aim to improve our understanding of coastal process interaction and impact, under past, present and future climates.
Modelling expertise POLCOMS, WAM, SWAN, Telemac, XBeach and LISFLOOD-FP
Key topics
- Coastal storm impacts & risk – surges, waves, inundation & erosion
- Long-term circulation & sediment pathways
- Estuary dynamics
- Climate change
- Air-sea interactions
- Decision support
- Coastal resilience
I am a coastal oceanographer within the Marine Physics and Ocean Climate group & Coastal Ocean Processes sub group. My expertise are in coastal flood and erosion risk assessment to inform shoreline management strategies. In my role, I:
- Progress modelling capabilities to explore sensitivities within the coastal system to human intervention and natural change.
- Provide decision support to coastal policy makers.
- Work with the Marine Data Products team to transfer scientific understanding into business opportunities with impact.
- Lead projects developing innovative modelling and monitoring approaches.
- UK Coastal Research Conference Scientific Organising Committee
- Natural Hazards Partnership
- Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference steering committee
- Coastal Resilience theme lead in the Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans (LISCO),
https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/liverpool-sustainable-coasts-and-oceans/abo… - Investors in people working group
- Liverpool Bay Coastal Sub Group
- Northwest Coastal Forum
- UKRI Digital Environment Expert Network
Current Projects
Co-Opt: Co-benefit Solutions for Resilient Coasts
SPLASH: Digital approaches to predict wave hazards
Gravel barrier resilience in a changing climate (#gravelbeach)
Completed Projects
Multi Mode Sensor Data Dashboards
CreamT: Coastal REsistance Alerts and Monitoring Technologies
SWOT-UK: Surface Water and Ocean Topography UK
RASCALS: Climate change hotspots and the global telecommunications network: Assessing past and present resilience and adaptation strategies for the future
WireWall: a new approach to coastal wave hazard monitoring
RAWMapping: Radar-model-fusion approach for high-resolution marine resource mapping
Climate Change Impact Assessment: Ocean Modelling and Monitoring for the Caribbean CME states
BLUEcoast: Physical and biological dynamic coastal processes and their role in coastal recovery
iCOASST: Integrated COASTal sediment systems – Aimed to improve our capability to predict long-term, regional scale change of the UK coastline and estuaries.
Flood MEMORY: Multi-Event Modelling Of Risk & recovery – Identifying the most critical flood scenarios caused by the temporal sequences of extreme weather events striking vulnerable systems of flood defence, urban areas, communities and businesses, which have a memory in the system.
ARCoES: Adaption and Resilience of COastal Energy Supply – Focused on the identification of challenges facing the future security of the UK nuclear energy sector and coastal energy supply.