Prof. Jason Holt

Photograph of Prof. Jason Holt
Marine Systems Modelling
jholt at

Jason Holt is head of National Capability Science at NOC and also leads the Marine Systems Modelling group. His research interests are in the impacts of climate change on the physics of coastal and shelf seas, and consequences for the biogeochemistry, investigating potential climate extremes in shelf seas around the world. He champions global approaches to coastal ocean modelling and climate impacts studies.  He leads the UK National Capability marine science programmes: ATLANTiS (Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science) and FOCUS (Future states Of the global Coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions). He also leads the UN Decade of Ocean Science project Future Coastal Ocean Climates (FLAME), part of the COASTPREDICT programme. He has been actively involved in the development of coastal ocean modelling for research, climate and operational oceanography since the 1990’s. He is a visiting honorary professor at the University of Liverpool, a member of the NEMO steering committee and a UK representative on the All Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA).

  • NEMO steering committee
  • All Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA)
  • ATLANTOS Steering Committee

NERC Funded

  • ATLANTiS Atlantic Climate and Environmental Strategic Science Lead PI
  • FOCUS Future states of the global coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions Lead PI
  • SEAP Sources, impacts and solutions for plastics in South East Asia coastal environments NOC lead
  • SANH South Asia Nitrogen Hub NOC Lead
  • CLASS Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science Modelling lead
  • CAMPUS Combining Autonomous observations and Models for Predicting and Understanding Shelf seas, co-PI, NOC lead
  • C-RISC Coastal Resilience ot flooding |Imoact through relocatable Storm surge forecast Capability for developing nations, PI
  • ReCICLE Resolving Climate Impacts on shekf abd Coastal sea Ecosystems PI
  • ACCORD Addressing Challenges of Coastal Communities through Ocean Research for Developing Economies, co-I, Modelling lead
  • LOCATE Land-Ocean Carbon Transfer, co-I Modelling lead
  • GOcean:2D Ocean test cases in GungHo framework, technology Proof of Concept, PI
  • Marine Ecosystems Research Programme co-PI, NOC Lead
  • Integrative Modelling for Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry co-PI, NOC Lead
  • FASTNet co-PI, NOC lead, Ocean-shelf exchange Research Programme
  • Next Generation Ocean Road Map PI: Exploring options for ocean modeling in the UK for the next 10–15 years
  • Quantifying and Monitoring Potential Ecosystem Impacts of Geological Carbon Storage co-PI, NOC lead
  • Regional Ecosystem & Biogeochemical Impacts of Ocean Acidification – a modelling study co-PI, NOC lead
  • Assessing health, livelihoods, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in populous deltas co-I
  • NCEO-Carbon co-PI, POL lead: Developing observation constrained models of carbon fluxes in shelf seas
  • DUST-UP (UK SOLAS) co-PI, POL lead: Modelling the impact of dust on ecosystems at ocean margins
  • QUEST-FISH (QUEST) co-PI, POL lead: Modelling the impacts of climate change on global fisheries
  • Oceans 2025 POL theme leader: NERC’s core programme in marine science.
  • MARQUEST (QUEST) co-PI, POL lead: Developing shelf sea capability in Earth Systems Models
  • Global Coastal Ocean Modelling (eScience) PI: Developing the GCOMS system to collectively model all shelf seas around the globe.
  • RAPID Arctic Shelves (thematic) co-PI POL lead: Investigating the formation of dense water in Arctic shelf seas.
  • CASIX (Earth Observation centre of excellence) co-PI, Science element leader: Modelling air-sea CO2 fluxes in shelf seas
  • Climatic versus anthropogenic control of nutrients in the Irish Sea (Standard Grand) co-PI, POL lead: Investigating climatic variability in the Irish Sea
  • Marine Productivity (Thematic) Ecosystem modelling in the Irish Sea
  • LOIS Integrated Modelling phase (Thematic) Linking cross-discipline modelling capability: catchment to coast
  • LOIS North Sea Modelling (Thematic) Developing multi-disciplinary shelf-sea modelling capability

EU Funded

  • Mission Atlantic Towards the Sustainable Development on the Atlantic Ocean, NOC lead
  • IMMERSE Improving Ocean Modelling for the Copernicus Programme, WP8 lead
  • EuroBASIN co-PI: End to end ecosystems in the North Atlantic and adjacent shelf seas
  • MyOcean co-PI: Operational oceanography for the European arena
  • MEECE co-PI: Predicting the impacts of multiple drivers on physics to fish in shelf seas
  • ECOOP co-PI: Shelf sea operational oceanography
  • Ferry Box co PI: Instrumented ferries to support marine observing systems
  • MERSEA co-PI: Developing shelf sea coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem operational models
  • OMEX I Researcher: Internal waves at the shelf-break