Dr Ismael Himar Falcon Suarez

Photograph of Dr Ismael Himar Falcon Suarez
Ocean BioGeosciences
isfalc at noc.ac.uk

I am an experimental geoscientist with wide-ranging experience in hydro(geo)mechanical, geophysical and geochemical techniques and proven skills in water-engineering. I use these skills to expand the OBG - Marine Geosystems subgroup research expertise into climate change mitigation and cleaner energy strategies, including CO2- and H2-seawater-rock interactions underground during CO2 and H2 storage, reservoirs characterisation/monitoring during production/injection activities and seafloor minerals and energy resources quantification.

I lead and develop an interdisciplinary research strategy that includes designing multisensory experimental setups, generating comprehensive datasets and coding novel software for data interpretation, to generate cutting-edge outcomes for multiple projects funded by EPSRC, NERC, EU and Research Council of Norway (see projects section).

Current projects:

FAPESP-EHMPRES (NE/X003248/1; ~£99k) - PI

CHORUS (NE/X012751/1; ~£95k) - PI

FOCUS (NE/X006271/1; ~£5.9M) – Co-I

MOET (NE/W005026/1) – R-Co-I

Pūhiko Nukutū (PROP-83782-ENDRP-UOC; AU$13,612,653.50) – R-collaborator


Projects completed from October 2013 (in NOC):

2019 - 2022 OASIS (CLIMIT/RCN-280472) – Co-I; 2018 – 2021 GASRIP (NE/R013535/1; £327,975) - PI; 2016 – 2020 EU STEMM-CCS: (H2020-LCE-2015-1; 15,900,000€) – Co-I; 2016 – 2020 NERC CHIMNEY (NE/N016130/1; £613,314) – Co-I; 2013 – 2016 EPSRC DiSECCS (EP/K035878/1; £893,883) – R-Post-doc


Participation in other projects before 2013:

2013, 10REM003CT (€104k); 2010, 2007/000131-0 (€210k); 2009, PSE120000-2008-6 (€127k); 2008, 2007/000131-0 (€140k); 2008, PSE120000-2007-6 (€31,8k); 2008 PGIDT06PXIC176002PN (€26k); 2008 BIA2005-07916-C02 (€137k), and over 13 research contracts with private industry including: REPSOL-YPF, CIUDEN Foundation, ENDESA and Lignite of Meirama.


(Note: PI, principal investigator; Co-I, co-investigator; R, researcher)