Dr Elizabeth Kent

Photograph of Dr Elizabeth Kent
Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
eck at noc.ac.uk

My interests include the study of air-sea interaction and particularly the development of air-sea interaction datasets.

Associate Head of the Marine Physics and Ocean Climate Research Group

Project Responsibilities

  • Leader of the GloSAT project
  • NOC Leader for NERC Grant "Improved projections of winds at the crossroads between Antarctica and the Southern Ocean"

Current projects include:

  • Global Surface Air Temperature (GloSAT) - a NERC-funded Large Grant, led by NOC in collaboration with the Met Office and the Universities of East Anglia, Edinburgh, Reading, Southampton and York
  • The development of long-term observational datasets of air-sea exchange under AtlantiS
  • Quantification of bias and uncertainty in marine surface observations
  • Improved projections of winds at the crossroads between Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, funded by NERC

Recently completed projects include:

  • Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science (CLASS)
  • Surface marine in situ observations for the Copernicus Climate Data Store
  • Development of a new 150-year Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dataset from ICOADS in the HOSTACE project
  • Air-sea interaction and ocean heat content in the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal (BoBBLE)
  • Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA)
  • The North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study (ACSIS)
  • The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS)