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Contact details

Marine Physics and Ocean Climate
cwi at



Eddies in Sea Ice: Ocean colour from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite on October 17, 2012, near Denmark Strait.



















Research interests

I am interested in ocean dynamics in general, which covers a broad spectrum of phenomena, but the machinery that help us to understand 'how the ocean moves' is essentially based on mathematics and physics.  Newton's Laws of Motion (especially Newton's 2nd law: force=mass x acceleration), applied to a fluid given us further equations of increasing complexity, depending on whether the fluid has small-scale friction, has spatially-varying density or is in a rotating frame of reference, like Earth's oceans. 

Sometimes it is more appropriate to extract simplified descriptions of the ocean dynamics than it is to solve problems at a high degree of complexity - after all, greater complexity does not necessarily guarantee greater realism.  Seeking the most simple, yet realistic (close to observations) description of ocean dynamics for a particular question is what motivates all of my research.


My specialist interests are:

  • Ocean transport and mixing - both in terms of the kinematics of flow deformation and the generation of coherent flow structures (eddies/vortices/saddles) and the dynamics (how these structures evolve subject to the physical equations of motion for the fluid).


  • The representation of eddies in the ocean component of climate models - eddy parameterisation, the effect of eddies on larger and smaller scales and therefore on long-term climate predictability and short-term forecasting.


  • Representation of the climate as a dynamical system - a commonly used layer of abstraction that is helpful for understanding complexity, predictability, chaos and the role of nonlinear dynamics (usually involving waves, turbulence or eddies).




Research profile and statistics

ORCID profile: (click here)

ResearcherID/Publons profile: (click here)

Google Scholar: (click here)