Chris is a satellite oceanographer with extensive validation and project management expertise. His research interests include satellite altimetry and salinity from space. He was awarded a PhD from The Open University for his thesis Sea ice thickness and iceberg distribution in the Southern Ocean.
PhD Students
Anneke Sperling – Do ocean currents stick together? (current)
Jessica Cartwright – Novel applications of GNSS-R data from TechDemoSat-1 to monitoring the cryosphere (2021)
Rafael Jaume Catany – Understanding Tropical Cyclone induced changes in upper ocean temperature and salinity (2019)
Convenor of Ocean Remote Sensing Special Interest Group of Challenger Society for Marine Science (contact Chris to join mailing list)
Memeber of ESA CryoSat Quality Working Group
Project Manager for ESA funded CryOcean-QCV Project concerned with quality control and validation of Ocean Products from CryoSat altimetry satellite (sea level, wind speed and significant wave height). Routine reports available from https://qras.earth.esa.int/?mis=CryoSat&ins=SIRAL&dot=Quality%20Control%20Report