I am the NOC Biological Safety Advisor and the lab manager for NOC's Molecular and Microbiology Facility, where my primary role is to support the labs, and the researchers and students using them.
I am an environmental microbiologist, with specialisation in class 2 microbes and molecular microbiology.
I received my BSc in Microbiology in 2007 from the University of East Anglia, and my PhD in 2011 from the Department of Physical Sciences at The Open University.
- NOC Biological Safety Advisor
- Group Safety Advisor for OTE
- Lab manager for the Molecular and Microbiology Facility at NOC
- LEAF champion
I am currently involved in the the following projects:
TechOceanS - Ethics and Health & Safety lead
I have previously managed:
- Cytochip (NE/P010970/1) - Improving Biosecurity in Aquaculture using High Speed, Low cost, Lab on a Chip Micro-Cytometry for the Surveillance of Harmful Algal Blooms.
CMEP III: Work Package 5 - Provision and installation of autonomous sensors and deployment infrastructure for monitoring ocean acidification, biogeochemistry, and nutrient runoff
CarCASS - Marine Sensor Development Capital Call: Carbonate Chemistry Autonomous Sensor System
MicroNET - Alleviating the “Sample to Sequence” Bottleneck Using Novel Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip Nucleic Acid Extraction Technologies