Dr Elisa Lovecchio

Contact details

Ocean BioGeosciences



My research interests lay at the boundary between ocean physics and biogeochemistry. My work combines the use of both models and observations to study biophysical interactions, the spatiotemporal variability of biogeochemical fields from the submesoscale to the basin scale, upwelling system dynamics and climate change feedbacks.

My background is in Physics of Complex Systems (MSc). I developed my PhD in ocean biogeochemistry at ETH-Zurich with a PhD thesis focused on the mesoscale drivers of the lateral transport of the organic carbon from the coast of the Canary Upwelling System to the open North Atlantic. In 2019, I worked at the University of Exeter on modeling changes in the ocean nutrient and redox state due to the evolution of the biological pump at the Proterozoic-Paleozoic transition.

I joined NOC in the group of Steph Henson initially under my own SNSF-funded postdoc project "The influence of mesoscale activity on organic carbon export fluxes: bridging models and observations". Since then, I've been involved in project GOCART working on the analysis of high-resolution glider data (especially oxygen and particles) collected in the Benguela Upwelling System, for which I developed a high-resolution coupled model setup at NOC. I've been involved in the analysis of ship data within project SUMMER and COMICS, in fieldwork at PAP and in the planning of autonomous surveys with TechOceanS. I'm currently involved in NERC BioCarbon's PARTITRICS project.

I've been widely involved in the organization of conference sessions and seminars, including the international EBUS Webinars project. At NOC, I'm currently co-organizing the OBG-MSM meetings.


Feel free to visit my personal website

You can also find my list of publications and projects on OrcID and ResearchGate.

