NOC is a partner in HYDRALAB+, this is a pan European collaboration to develop and improve research in experimental modelling to address the issues of climate change adaptation. There are 33 partners and associated partners from Europe in the HYDRALAB+ network. The project brings together European researchers, industry and stakeholders to improve experimental research, related numeric modelling and field studies aimed at adapting to climate change. The consortium share and exchange information regarding the latest developments in experimental hydraulics both within the network and with external stakeholders. Looking to the future, we are conducting foresight studies and provide training to the next generation of researchers.

Three main components of HYDRALAB+ are:

  1. Joint Research Activities

    JRA1 RECIPE - REpresenting Climate Change In Physical Experiments.
    JRA2 COMPLEX - Cross disciplinary Observations of Morphodynamics and Protective structures, Linked to ecology and EXtreme events.
    JRA3 FREE Data - Facilitating the Re-use and Exchange of Experimental Data.

  2. Transnational Access

    HYDRALAB+ supports transnational access to ten large and unique experimental facilities designed for flow, wave, and ice research. This access programme enables Europe-wide cooperation among international research groups to carry out hydraulic research in facilities, to which they normally do not have access. The best proposals are selected from an open competition.

  3. Networking Activities

    This is a repository of training material available to view and download for users of experimental facilities across the globe. The aim of this repository is to share knowledge and good practice in the use of equipment and facilities using podcasts, webinars and video presentations. These virtual training packages are aimed at next generation researchers and experienced researchers seeking to learn new skills and update their expertise.

Website: www.hydralab.eu

See also:

Principal Investigator: Prof. Peter Thorne
Email: pdt@noc.ac.uk
EC representative: Agnès Robin
Coordinator: Frans Hamer, Deltares (hydralab@deltares.nl)
Twitter: @hydralabplus

Project Dates: 
October 2015 to October 2019

EC Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme

Contract No: 654110.
