using science

NOC supports NERC PhD training investment

Taking water samples at sea

The National Oceanography Centre is participating in a major Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) training initiative announced by the Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts.

Science Minister announces major new projects to monitor ocean currents

OSNAP schematic map

The National Oceanography Centre will lead the UK component of two projects to monitor the crucial ocean currents in the North Atlantic which shape Britain’s climate.

Science Minister David Willetts announced the projects this week  when he delivered the Mountbatten Memorial Lecture at the Royal Institution.

Autosub in ambitious Antarctic mission


A team of British scientists is making final preparations for an ambitious science mission that will use the National Oceanography Centre-provided Autosub underwater vehicle to monitor recent ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

European funding success

National Oceanography Centre

NOC has been successful in gaining European funding awards to train young scientists.

NOC congratulates MBA on Royal Charter

The National Oceanography Centre has congratulated its Delivery Partner, the Marine Biological Association (MBA) on its award of the Royal Charter.

Commons report on marine science published

Big Ben

The report on marine science in the UK, by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, is published today (Thursday 23 April 2013).

The National Oceanography Centre’s Executive Director, Professor Ed Hill, gave evidence to the committee last December.

Scientists identify trigger for explosive volcanic eruptions

Tenerife volcano

Scientists at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton have identified a repeating trigger for the largest explosive volcanic eruptions on Earth.

Monitoring methane off Svalbard

Dr Veit Huehnerbach

NOC scientists are carrying out research examining methane outputs from the seabed in the area of the Svalbard archipelago, off Norway

Climate change stories from the abyss

Co-chief Scientists Heiko Pälike, NOC and Hiroshi Nishi (Co-chief Scientist, Hokkaido University, Japan) in the Core Lab (© IODP)

A team of scientists, including University of Southampton scientists who are based at the National Oceanography Centre, have shed new light on the world’s history of climate change.

Improving water quality can help save coral reefs

Coral bleaching under nutrient stress

Research from the University of Southampton and the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton has found that an imbalance of nutrients in reef waters can increase the bleaching susceptibility of reef corals.