computer modelling

NOC ecosystem model chosen for UK environmental strategy

Observed vs MEDUSA-simulated primary production for northern summer (top) and northern winter (bottom) [from Yool et al., 2013]

A computer model that predicts how marine ecosystems will change into the future, developed by researchers at the National Oceanography Centre, will contribute to UK assessments of future environmental change, as well as the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report.

Liverpool Bay sediment discovery could save millions

Liverpool Bay (credit: NASA World Wind – Landsat 7)

New research tracking the movement of dredged sediment around Liverpool Bay could save millions of pounds, according to scientists at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool.

NOC scientists making waves in Barcelona

The wave flume: setting up the acoustic systems

Professor Peter Thorne and Dr Richard Cooke of the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool travelled to Barcelona recently to take part in an international study on boundary layer sediment dynamics.

NEMO movie goes live

NEMO global ocean model

Scientists at NOC and the Met Office are using sophisticated computer models to increase our understanding of ocean circulation and its influence on global climate.