At any one time scientists and technicians from the UK marine community can be at sea on numerous vessels. This page provides information on the current research expeditions being undertaken by our two Royal Research Ships Discovery and James Cook. Here you can discover where our ships are and what they are aiming to achieve.
Updates from the ships’ Plans of Intended Movement (PIM)
RRS Discovery DTG: 021224 1130T Zone: UTC -3.5 Exped: DY185 Passage to Port Everglades Subj: PIM Report
Pos: 31 09N 069 51W WX: NW F4. Partly cloudy, fine and clear. Slight seas and low swell Co: 228 Spd: 11.5kts Status: Passage to Port Everglades Intentions: Continue with passage, routeing via a favourable current off Bermuda. Clocks back 1.5hrs today to UTC-5 ETA Port Everglades 4th Dec PM |
RRS James Cook DTG: 021224 0700 Zone: UTC-1 Exped: JC272 Subj: PIM
Posn: 38 51.0N 018 36.4W Co: 206T Spd: 10.2 Kts WX: NNE x F3, Fine and clear, calm sea and low to moderate swell. Status: AMT underway transect. Intentions: Continue with AMT transect. Deploy 2nd float this afternoon.
Intentions: Conduct CTD’s, Nets, Snow catcher, Turbalance profiling, cameras, and underway sampling.