The Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Project

Schöne, T.; Bingley, R.; Deng, Z.; Griffith, J.; Habrich, H.; Hunegnaw, A.; Jia, M.; King, M.; Merrifield, M.; Mitcham, G.; Neilan, R.; Noll, C.; Prouteau, E.; Sánchez, L.; Teferle, N.; Thaller, D.; Tregoning, P.; Woodworth, P.; Wöppelmann, G..


The Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Project.

In: Dach, Rolf; Jean, Yoomin, (eds.)
International GNSS Service Technical Report 2012.

Pasadena, CA, USA, IGS Central Bureau, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 189-194, 202pp.

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